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Show Tailwind CSS Breakpoints in Vuejs when using the tailwindcss

📖 Release Notes



breaky helps you create your responsive designs faster. It extends the awesome tailwindcss. breaky reads your defined breakpoints within your tailwind config and shows the currently active breakpoint based on your browser window width.

The plugin will only be loaded during development mode and does not interfere with your production build.

Demo GIF of window resizing Demo GIF of dragging Demo GIF of toggling dark mode


Make sure tailwindcss is installed.


  1. Add @teamnovu/vue-breaky as a dev-dependency to your project
yarn add @teamnovu/vue-breaky --dev

# or npm install @teamnovu/vue-breaky --save-dev
  1. Add the following code to your main.js
import resolveConfig from 'tailwindcss/resolveConfig' // used to merge tailwindcss default config with your custom config
import Breaky from '@teamnovu/vue-breaky/lib/plugin-vue'

Vue.use(Breaky, {
  tailwindConfig: resolveConfig(require('./tailwind.config')), // Required

  // Additional options
  enabled: true,
  enableInProd: process.env.DEPLOY_ENV === 'GH_PAGES',
  position: 'bottomRight',
  colorScheme: 'auto',

NOTE: Please be aware this adds ~19.5KB (~3.5KB) to the bundle size when you are in development mode.


The breaky module automatically adds the breaky plugin when in development mode. No need to register or include it anywhere else.


You can pass options to the breaky using the Vue plugin options.

Vue.use(Breaky, {
  /* plugin options */

Available Options

Option Type Default Options Description
enabled Boolean true true | false Enable/Disable breaky
enableInProd Boolean false true | false Enable breaky in production (overrides the enabled option; Please be aware this adds ~19.5KB (~3.5KB) to the client bundle size. More Info)
colorScheme String auto 'auto' | 'light' | 'dark' Switch between different color schemes
position String 'bottomRight' 'topLeft' | 'topRight' | 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomRight' Breakys starting position


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install
  3. Start development server using yarn dev


  1. yarn release
  2. npm publish


MIT License

Copyright (c) teamnovu