A command line utility Caldera allows you to create a boilerplate service that ready to run inside the container. This will save two or more days of developers working, who decided to create their first (micro) service.
All changes in the project described in changelog
- gRPC/REST API example using protobuf
- Implementation of the health checks
- Configuring the service using config file, environment variables or flags
- Processing of graceful shutdown for every registered component
- Database interfaces with migration features
- CI/CD pipelines integrated into Makefile
- Helm charts for deploying the service in Kubernetes environment
- Container SSL certificates integration for using a secure client
- Integration of the package manager
- Versioning automation
- Using of configuration file that contains your saved preferences for a new boilerplate service
- Interactive mode to select preferred features for a new service
- Using of CLI flags to create new service quickly
- Go compiler v1.9 or newer
- GNU make utility that probably already installed on your system
- Docker service, version 18.03 or newer
go get -u github.com/takama/caldera
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/takama/caldera
In this mode, you'll be asked about the general properties associated with the new service. The configuration file will be used for all other data, such as the host, port, etc., if you have saved it before. Otherwise, the default settings will be used.
Caldera boilerplate version: v0.2.0 build date: 2021-04-17T23:37:17+07
Provide name for your Github account (my-account):
Provide a name for your module or namespace (default):
Provide name for your service (my-service): new-service
Provide description for your service (New service): Very new service
Do you need API for the service? (y/n): y
Do you want gRPC (1) or gRPC+REST (2)?: 2
Do you need CORS? (y/n): y
Default API version (v1):
Do you need storage driver? (y/n): y
Do you want postgres (1), mysql (2) or postgres+mysql (3)?: 1
Do you need Contract API example for the service? (y/n): y
Do you need to expose metrics for Prometheus? (y/n): y
Do you want to deploy your service to the Google Kubernetes Engine? (y/n): y
Provide ID of your project on the GCP (my-project-id):
Provide compute region of your project on the GCP (europe-west4):
Provide cluster name in the GKE (my-cluster-name):
Default Golang CI Linter version (1.32.2):
Templates directory (~/go/src/github.com/takama/caldera/.templates):
New service directory (~/go/src/github.com/my-account/my-service):
Do you want initialize service repository with git (y/n): y
In this mode, you'll be not asked about everything. The configuration file will be used for all other data, such as the host, port, etc., if you have saved it before. Otherwise, the default settings will be used.
./caldera new [ --service <name> --description <description> --github <account> --grpc-client ]
For example of save a storage
parameters in Caldera configuration file:
./caldera storage [flags]
-h, --help help for storage
--enabled A Storage modules using
--postgres A postgres module using
--mysql A mysql module using
Save a storage
parameters for database driver in Caldera configuration file:
./caldera storage driver [flags]
-h, --help help for driver
--host string A host name (default "postgres")
--port int A port number (default 5432)
--name string A database name (default "postgres")
-u, --username string A name of database user (default "postgres")
-p, --password string An user password (default "postgres")
--max-conn int Maximum available connections (default 10)
--idle-count int Count of idle connections (default 1)
--idle-time int Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection may be idle (default 60)
Save an API
parameters for REST/gRPC
(REST always used gRCP gateway):
./caldera api [flags]
-h, --help help for api
--enabled An API modules using
--grpc A gRPC module using
--rest-gateway A REST gateway module using
Save a common API
./caldera api config [flags]
-h, --help help for config
--port int A service port number (default 8000)
--gateway-port int A service rest gateway port number (default 8001)
This example contains a good approach to using the API with the code-generated Client/Server from the interfaces in the .proto
definitions using the Go language. In addition, it contains a gRPC gateway that can be used to access the API via REST.
// Interface exported by the server
service Events {
// Get the Event object by ID
rpc GetEvent (request.ByID) returns (Event) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/v1/events/id/{id}";
// Find the Event objects by name
rpc FindEventsByName (request.ByName) returns (stream Event) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/v1/events/name/{name}";
// List all Events
rpc ListEvents (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream Event) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/v1/events";
// Create a new Event object
rpc CreateEvent (Event) returns (Event) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/events",
body: "*"
// Update the Event object
rpc UpdateEvent (Event) returns (Event) {
option (google.api.http) = {
put: "/v1/events/id/{id}",
body: "*"
// Delete the Event object by ID
rpc DeleteEvent (request.ByID) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http).delete = "/v1/events/id/{id}";
// Delete The Event objects by Event name
rpc DeleteEventsByName (request.ByName) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http).delete = "/v1/events/name/{name}";
Service should have health checks for successful execution in containers environment. It should helps with correct orchestration of the service.
The twelve factors service must be configured using environment variables. The service has a built-in library for automatically recognizing and allocating environment variables that are stored inside struct
of different types. As additional methods, a configuration file and flags are used. All these methods of setting are directly linked to each other in using of configuration variables.
The service has an ability to intercept system signals and transfer actions to special methods for graceful shutdown, maintenance mode, reload of configuration, etc.
type Signals struct {
shutdown []os.Signal
reload []os.Signal
maintenance []os.Signal
Boilerplate service is provided database drivers and optional stub
driver for testing purposes.
The database drivers are using in local container environment as well. Corresponded make
commands db, migrate-up, migrate-down
allow to run database engine and migrate data into database.
Supported the following database drivers:
- Postgres
In the CI/CD pipeline, there is a series of commands for the static cross-compilation of the service for the specified OS. Build a docker image and push it into the container registry. Optimal and compact docker
FROM scratch
COPY certs /etc/ssl/certs/
COPY migrations /migrations/
COPY bin/linux-amd64/service /
CMD ["/service", "serve"]
Certificates support for creating a secure SSL connection in the Go
client. Attaching the certificate to the docker image.
The command make test
is running set of checks and tests:
- tool
go fmt
used on package sources - set of linters used on package sources (20+ types of linters)
- tests used on package sources excluding vendor
- a testing coverage of new boilerplate service
- compile and check of Helm charts
A set of basic templates for the deployment of the service in Kubernetes has been prepared. Only one make deploy
command loads the service into Kubernetes. Wait for the successful result, and the service will be ready to go.
To properly work with dependencies, we need to select a package manager. go mod
is dependency management tools for Go.
Using a special script to increment the release version
make version
Current version v0.1.10.
Please enter new version [v0.2.0]:
See the contribution guidelines for information on how to participate in the Caldera project to submitting a pull request or creating a new issue.