slackd is a very simple daemon that simply watches a text file (usually a log file) and pushes any lines which match a specific criteria to a Slack channel. slackd allows you to specify a line_includes
and/or a line_excludes
regular expression to watch for, if both are provided they will both trigger a post to Slack.
slackd is a completely stand alone application and has no external dependencies. It does not need to be installed, it can simply be run in-place.
In this example I am using the slackd_linux_amd64
binary, but you can change it to whichever flavor you need to use.
wget -O slackd
chmod +x slackd
Configure the Service
cp slackd.service.example /etc/systemd/system/slackd.service
vim /etc/systemd/system/slackd.service
# Edit the environment variables and location of the binary to fit your needs.
Enable the Service
sudo systemctl enable slackd
Start the Service
sudo systemctl start slackd
Stop the Service
sudo systemctl stop slackd
View the Logs
journalctl -u slackd
wget -O slackd
vim config.ini
# create config according to usage section and save
sudo vim /etc/rc.local
# add the following before the `exit 0`
# cd /path/to/slackd && nohup ./slackd -config=config.ini &
nohup ./slackd -config=config.ini &
The application is self documented, so you can review the usage at any time.
Note: All uppercase flags can be set via environment variables in addition to the config file and the CLI.
$ ./slackd -h
Usage of slackd:
-CHANNEL string
The ID of the Slack channel to post to. EG: C0XXXXXXXXX
-config string
Path to ini config for using in go flags. May be relative to the current executable path.
-configUpdateInterval duration
Update interval for re-reading config file set via -config flag. Zero disables config file re-reading.
Dumps values for all flags defined in the app into stdout in ini-compatible syntax and terminates the app.
-FILE string
The file path to watch for changes.
Post line if this regexp DOES NOT match.
Post line if this regexp DOES match.
Reopen the file if it disappears. Useful with log rotation.
-TOKEN string
Your Slack token.
With this config I want to watch the /var/log/application.log
file. I want to post lines from the log file to the Slack channel with ID C0XXXXXXXXX
for either of the following conditions:
- The line includes the case insensitive text
. - The line does not start with a date in the specified format (useful for stack traces).
token = ####-##########-##########-##########-######
channel = C0XXXXXXXXX
file = /var/log/application.log
line_includes = (?i)error
line_excludes = ^[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}
reopen = true