This is userscript for Google+. This script provide shortcut keys to do following.
- c to comment
- s to share
- e clip to Evernote
- m to mute
- to +1
- expand comments
- / to find user
- gg to go to top.
- G to go to bottom.
- n to show notification panel.
- i to focus to a form of new entry.
- esc to close current active textbox.
- gh to go to Home.
- gP to go to Photos.
- gp to go to Profile.
- gc to go to Circles.
- gna to go to Notifications(all).
- gnc to go to Notifications(circle).
- gno to go to Notifications(otherposts).
- gnp to go to Notifications(myposts).
- gnm to go to Notifications(mentions).
- gnP to go to Notifications(phototags).
- original:
- suVene [email protected]
- original: mattn [email protected]
- (Test)insert a evernote affiliate code