I am a software developer with a PhD and background in Computational Statistics. I primarily work with cryptography, zero-knowledge protocols, censorship-resistant tools, and distributed systems.
If you are in a bad day, grab a curated Stoicism piece of advice at
I also made a Sudoku App that is free of spyware for my mother,
and don't need Google or Apple permissions to install (it is a PWA);
you can use it as well.
If you have state secrets or any message that you want to pass along in the case you are incapacitated, or dead, try my Dead Man's Switch.
Everything that I do is either open source or has a permissive Creative Commons license. "Open source everything".
I don't have social media, since I think they are overrated
and "they sell your data".
If you want to contact me, please
send an email,
my PGP key can be located at storopoli.com/publickey.txt
If you want to contact me in a very private way,
send me a SimpleX message.
If you want to find out what's recently on my mind,
check out my blog.