libuv is the O/S independent platform core of node.js and handles issues like networking and file I/O. Now, the goodness of libuv is now available for lua. See for more information on libuv.
The libuv wrappers in this project are rather low-level, where the mechanical exposure of libuv API's to lua are pretty true to libuv's original C API's.
The wrappings are tested against (at least) lua 5.1.4 and luajit 2.0.0-beta8.
The swiglite tool uses ruby, rubygems and ERB.
And, you'll need lua 5.1.4 'make install'ed.
The easy way is to have libuv as a sibling directory. For example...
git clone git://
cd libuv && make
cd ..
git clone git://
cd uv && make
Then, you can test the included echo server...
lua test/echo_server.lua
Or, you can also use luajit instead of lua...
luajit test/echo_server.lua
In a separate terminal, a client will receive echo'ed strings...
telnet 11700
> hello
< hello
The uv wrappers use the (included) "swiglite" tool, which is implemented in ruby.
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