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Repository docs

Repository for the sources and published documentation set, versioned for each Stan minor release.

  • The Stan User's Guide - example models and techniques for coding statistical models in Stan and using them to do inference and prediction.
  • The Stan Reference Manual - specification for Stan language and core inference algorithms.
  • The Stan Functions Reference - functions and distributions built into the Stan language.
  • The CmdStan Guide - guide to the reference command-line interface.

Repository directory structure

  • src : directory of source files for Stan and CmdStan guides and reference manuals, each in its own named subdirectory:

    • src/cmdstan-guide - CmdStan Guide
    • src/functions-reference - Stan Functions Reference
    • src/reference-manual - Stan Reference Manual
    • src/stan-users-guide - Stan Users Guide
    • src/quarto-config - A submodule of the stan-dev/quarto-config repository for shared files between the docs and Stan website
  • docs: the directory docs on branch master is the publishing source for the project pages site. Whenever a verified member of the Stan organization pushes to docs on branch master, GitHub (re)builds and (re)deploys the website.

Documentation toolset

We use Quarto to build the HTML website and standalone pdfs; previously, we used bookdown. Download quarto To build the pdf version of the docs, you will need to install LaTeX as well.

Quarto accepts .qmd source files and uses the Pandoc conversion engine.

Both the Stan website (repository: and the docs use the same quarto theming from the repository quarto-config.

Scripts to build and maintain the docset

Checking out the repository

In order to ensure the quarto-config folder is present, when cloning the repository, use the --recursive flag

git clone --recursive

If you already have a clone without this submodule, or if it falls out of date, you can run

git submodule update --init --recursive

To initialize or refresh it.

The program convert the markdown files under src to html and pdf and populates the docs dir with the generated documentation. This script should be run from the top-level directory of this repository.

Requires Python 3.7 or higher, due to call to, kwarg capture_output.

  • 2 required arguments: Stan version, expecting 2 positive integer arguments, e.g. 2 28
  • 2 optional arguments: . The output format is either website or pdf. The document name corresponds to the name of the src subdirectory or all.

Build script examples

pwd  # check that you're in the top-level directory of this repository, path should end in  "/stan-dev/docs"
python 2 35  # creates directory docs/2_35 as needed; populates it will all generated documentation
python 2 35 website  # builds the docs website in docs/2_35
python 2 35 pdf functions-reference  # builds only the pdf version of the Stan functions reference,  resulting document is docs/2_35/functions-reference-2_35.pdf
python 2 35 pdf all # builds all pdfs from the Stan documentation set, resulting pdfs are in docs/2_35

Additional scripts

The release process generates a new documentation set and adds links and redirects across the docset.

  • manages the redirects from unversioned links to the latest version.
  • adds the "latest version" link into a docset.

The Stan Functions Reference contains HTML comments which describe the function signature for all functions. The script is used to scrape these signatures into a plain text file.

GitHub Pages

This repository uses GitHub Pages to serve the project pages site with URL The publishing strategy is to serve the contents of the directory docs on branch master. The docs directory contains an empty file named .nojekyll so that GitHub will treat the contents as pre-generated HTML instead of trying to run jekyll.