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Update YAML files the GitOps way

Yupd is a command-line tool that allows updating a YAML file in a remote GitHub or GitLab repository.


Assuming we have this file in a git repository:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
    last-updated: Sat Aug 26 09:24:58 CEST 2023
  replicas: 1
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - image: nginx:alpine
        name: nginx

Let's use yupd to update the nginx image version as well as the last-updated annotation :

  • For GitHub :
yupd --repo-type github --token <updateme> --project srozange/playground --path k8s/deployment.yml --branch yupd-it --set *.containers[0].image=nginx:newversion --set metadata.annotations.last-updated="$(date)"
  • For GitLab :
yupd --repo-type gitlab --token <updateme> --project 48677990 --path k8s/deployment.yml --branch yupd-it --set *.containers[0].image=nginx:newversion --set metadata.annotations.last-updated="$(date)"


Additionally, instead of making direct updates to the target branch, yupd can create either a merge request or a pull request (based on the Git provider context) by simply adding the --merge-request or --pull-request flag.

Updating files

You can specify how the file is updated using the repeatable --set option:

--set [type:]expression=value

Available types are : ypath and regex.

We will use the following file for the subsequent examples:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: oldname

YAML path expressions

Yupd uses the YamlPath library.

Here's an example where we change the name field to 'newname':


Or you can use the shorthand:


For more detailed syntax information, you can refer to the YamlPath readme page.

Regular Expressions

Yupd can also update files using regular expressions, which can be especially useful when you need to modify a file that isn't in YAML format.

Here's an example where we change the name field to 'newname':

--set "regex:name: (.*)=newname"

The text matched within the parentheses will be replaced with the right part.

For more information on the syntax, you can refer to the Javadoc of class 'Pattern'.


Usage: yupd [-hV] [--dry-run] [--insecure] [--pull-request] [--verbose] -b=<branch> [-f=<sourceFile>] [-m=<commitMessage>] -p=<path> --project=<project>
            [-r=<url>] --repo-type=<repoType> -t=<token> --set=<String=String>[@@@<String=String>...] [--set=<String=String>[@@@<String=String>...]]...
  -b, --branch=<branch>     Specifies the branch name of the target file to update (env: YUPD_BRANCH)
      --dry-run             If set to true, no write operation is done (env: YUPD_DRY_RUN)
  -f, --template=<sourceFile>
                            Points to a local YAML file to be used as the source, instead of the remote one (env: YUPD_TEMPLATE)
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
      --insecure            If set to true, disable SSL certificate validation (applicable to GitLab only) (env: YUPD_INSECURE)
  -m, --commit-msg=<commitMessage>
                            Provides a custom commit message for the update (env: YUPD_COMMIT_MSG)
  -p, --path=<path>         Specifies the path of the target file to update (env: YUPD_PATH)
      --project=<project>   Identifies the project (e.g., 'srozange/yupd' for GitHub or '48539100' for GitLab) (env: YUPD_PROJECT)
      --pull-request, --merge-request
                            If set to true, open either a pull request or a merge request based on the Git provider context (env: YUPD_MERGE_REQUEST)
  -r, --repo=<url>          Specifies the URL of the Git repository (env: YUPD_REPO)
                            Specifies the repository type; valid values: 'gitlab' or 'github' (env: YUPD_REPO_TYPE)
                            Allows setting YAML path expressions (e.g., or regular expressions (env: YUPD_SET)
  -t, --token=<token>       Provides the authentication token (env: YUPD_TOKEN)
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.
      --verbose             If set to true, sets the log level to debug (env: YUPD_VERBOSE)


You can grab the latest binaries from the releases page.

Docker Image

Docker images are available on Docker Hub.

To use the image, you can run the following command:

docker run --rm srozange/yupd:1.0 --repo-type github --token <updateme> --project srozange/playground --path k8s/deployment.yml --branch yupd-it --set *.containers[0].image=nginx:newversion


  • Only supports modifications to one file per commit.