A collection of helper libraries. What's in the box:
Convert camel cased strings to snake case or snake cased strings to camel case:
require 'bogo'
class Stringer
include Bogo::AnimalStrings
str = Stringer.new
puts str.snake('CamelCasedString')
puts str.camel('snake_cased_string')
Extension of the Hash class. It makes use of the hashie
library and
adds a few extra features as well:
Included hashie modules:
- Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess
- Hashie::Extensions::MergeInitializer
- Hashie::Extensions::DeepMerge
- Hashie::Extensions::Coercion
Added extras:
Will convert from Hash
to Smash
. This conversion includes Hash
types found within Array
require 'bogo'
inst = {:a => 1, 'b' => 2, :c => [{:z => true}]}.to_smash
puts inst[:a]
puts inst['c'].first['z']
and we can convert from Smash
to Hash
as well:
require 'bogo'
inst = {:a => 1, 'b' => 2, :c => [{:z => true}]}.to_smash
puts inst.class
puts inst[:c].first.class
inst = inst.to_hash
puts inst.class
puts inst['c'].first.class
Values can be returned if given a path. If the path does not exist
a nil
will be return instead of raising an exception:
require 'bogo'
inst = Smash.new(:a => {:b => {:c => {:d => 1}}})
puts inst.get(:a, :b, :c, :d)
puts inst.get(:a, :c, :x, :z)
Use #fetch
to provide default value if path does not exist. The
last value in the list will be used as the returned value:
require 'bogo'
inst = Smash.new(:a => 1)
puts inst.fetch(:b, :c, 2)
Set deeply nested values by providing the path. The last value in the list will be set:
require 'bogo'
inst = Smash.new
inst.set(:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, 1)
puts inst.get(:a, :b, :c, :d, :e)
Checksum will generate a new Smash
instance with sorted keys
and then generate a SHA256 digest:
require 'bogo'
puts Smash.new(:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3).checksum
puts Smash.new(:c => 3, :b => 2, :a => 1).checksum
Freeze entire smash structure:
require 'bogo'
inst = {:a => 'hi', :b => {:c => 'bye'}}.to_smash(:freeze)
puts inst[:a].frozen? 'Frozen' : 'Thawed'
puts inst[:b].frozen? 'Frozen' : 'Thawed'
puts inst[:b][:c].frozen? 'Frozen' : 'Thawed'
The #to_smash
helper is also attached to Array
fully convert an Arrays internals to Smashes
require 'bogo'
puts [{:a => 1}].to_smash.first.class.name
Turn a string into a constant:
require 'bogo'
const = Object.new.extend(Bogo::Constants)
p const.constantize('Bogo::Constants')
Get the namespace of a constant:
require 'bogo'
const = Object.new.extend(Bogo::Constants)
p const.namespace('Bogo::Constants')
Memoization helpers for thread and object local, thread local, and global memoization:
require 'bogo'
class Memo
include Bogo::Memoization
def object_value(provided_value)
memoize(:value){ provided_value }
def thread_value(provided_value)
memoize(:value, true){ provided_value }
def global_value(provided_value)
memoize(:value, :global){ provided_value }
obj1 = Memo.new
obj2 = Memo.new
puts '--- obj1 start'
puts obj1.object_value('fubar')
puts obj1.thread_value('fubar')
puts obj1.global_value('fubar')
puts '--- obj1 end'
puts '--- obj2 start'
puts obj2.object_value('fubar')
puts obj2.thread_value('fubar')
puts obj2.global_value('fubar')
puts '--- obj2 end'
Easily define attributes within a class. Provides type checking, coercion, and callback integration for dependencies and missing values.
require 'bogo'
class MyData
include Bogo::Lazy
attribute :name, String, :default => 'MyData'
attribute :data_id, [String, Numeric]
attribute :count, Float, :coerce => lambda{|v| v.to_f}
attribute :remote_id, Integer, :depends => :remote_loader
attribute :stuff, String
on_missing :load_things
def remote_loader
data[:remote_id] = 42
def load_things
data[:stuff] = 'ALL THE THINGS'
data = MyData.new
puts data.name
data.name = 'New name!'
puts data.name
data.data_id = 1
puts data.data_id
data.data_id = 'one'
puts data.data_id
data.data_id = :one
rescue TypeError => e
puts "#{e.class}: #{e}"
data.count = '1'
p data.count
puts data.remote_id
puts data.stuff
p data.dirty?(:name)
p data.data_id
p data.data
p data.dirty
p data.attributes
p data.dirty?
p data.dirty?
p data.data
Queue items based on a given score. Score can be provided as a numerical value, or as the result of a block. By default, the item with the lowest score has the highest priority.
require 'bogo'
q = Bogo::PriorityQueue.new
q.push('a', 3)
q.push('b', 1)
puts q.pop
This will print "b" as it has the lowest score (highest priority). If a high score is prefered to designate highest priority, that can be set when initializing the instance of the queue:
require 'bogo'
q = Bogo::PriorityQueue.new(:highscore)
Scores can also be provided as blocks which will be evaluated prior
to #pop
require 'bogo'
q = Bogo::PriorityQueue.new(:highscore)
q.push('a'){ Time.now.to_i }
q.push('b', Time.now.to_i)
puts q.pop
This will print "a" as its score will be higher when popped.
This is just like a Tempfile (this is just a subclass) except that it will delete itself when closed.
require 'bogo'
e_file = Bogo::EphemeralFile.new('bogo')
path = e_file.path
puts "File exists: #{File.exists?(path)}"
puts "File exists: #{File.exists?(path)}"
Retry an action until success or maximum number of attempts has been reached.
This is an abstract class and does not provide actual retry
functionality. Custom concrete implementations must define a
method that provides the number of seconds
to wait until the next attempt.
The Bogo::Retry
does provide an easy way to generate a
retry instance:
Bogo::Retry.build(:flat, :wait_interval => 2) do
puts 'This is run within a Bogo::Retry::Flat instance!'
If the value of the action is required, disable auto run and explicitly start the retry:
value = Bogo::Retry.build(:flat, :auto_run => false) do
puts 'This is run within a Bogo::Retry::Flat instance!'
A block can also be provided to run!
which will be called
when an exception is rescued to determine if the request should
be retried:
value = Bogo::Retry.build(:flat, :auto_run => false) do
puts 'This is run within a Bogo::Retry::Flat instance!'
end.run! do |exception|
The flat retry implementation will always wait the wait_interval
value before retry.
- Numeric (default: 5)
The linear retry implementation will increase the wait time between retries at a linear rate before retry:
- Numeric (default: 5)
The exponential retry implementation will increase the wait time between retries at an exponential rate before retry:
- Numeric (default: 5):wait_exponent
- Numeric (default: 2)
This is a wrapped stdlib Logger instance to provide thread-safe
access for logging. It includes a Bogo::Logger#named
method for
creating sub-loggers.
require 'bogo'
base = Bogo::Logger.new
base.progname = 'base'
base.info 'test'
sub = base.named(:sub)
sub.info 'test'
Adds a #logger
method when included which provides access to the
global logger. Name can be customized using .logger_name
require 'bogo'
class Fubar
class Thing
include Bogo::Logger::Helpers
def test
logger.info "test"
- Repository: https://github.com/spox/bogo