Splunk Distributed Deployment Server (SDDS) is a model to build a more scalable Splunk Deployment Server ((https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.2.6/Updating/Planadeployment)) using a Kubernetes framework to host multiple Splunk DS replicas on the same instance; a custom Load Balancer handles the incoming traffic (https://metallb.universe.tf/)
- Testing has been show SDDS to be able to host 25k+ nodes per instance; the current recommendation is 10k
- SDDS maximizes the DS single threadeded functions & incoming TCP connections more efficiently.
Additionally SDDS has the:
- ability to support older clients who don't send client-header data with each DS transaction
- reduce TCP footprint for MITM attack posture on unecrypted/unauthenticated endpoints
- supports multiple Splunk versions
- encrypted by default with a restmap.conf configuration
SDDS can be deployed & scaled by either:
- adding new nodes
- scaling replicas
SDDS 1.0.0 has been tested on the following platform:
- Ubuntu 22.04 w/ snap
- Microk8s 1.32
- Splunk 9.0+
Updated Topologies (see Topology Diagram)
- Recommendation - Splunk does not recommend hosting a Deployment Server along an edge network due to the lack of authentication and default encryption in additiona to the open TCP port requirement
- VPN Configuration - if Universal Forwarders are connecting to Internal networks using TCP enabled bi-direction VPN; then the Internal DS nodes can be used.
- Alternate Configuration - if Universal Forwarders are on an External network with no TCP connectivity to Internal DS nodes; then a separate DS node can be deployed in either a Layer2/3 network accessible instance to the Univseral Forwarders in that subnet.
- The SDDS node in this configuration should continue to send monitoring data through HEC allowing for passive monitoring of remote DS nodes.
A Splunk Monitoring Console app (sddsmc.tar.gz) is provided with the following:
- indexes.conf - defines the sdds_events, sdds_metrics & sdds_history(summary) indexes
- inputs.conf - HEC inputs for OTEL collector
- savedsearches.conf - enables collection of client history with sdds_history summary index to keep track of clients, clients and apps on a 5 minute interval
- app/sddsmc/mc.xml - Monitoring Console view for status and historical tracking of DS activity
How to Install a Deployment Server node
The setup runs in 4 steps:
- Clone this repo
- Run the bin/microk8s_installer.sh to setup Microk8s deployment
- Logout and back into the host
- Continue the installation by logging back in and using the bin/setup_sdds.sh script for the final setup
Configuration notes the outputs.conf & sc4otel.yaml files will need to be updated for the appropriate indexers/HEC destinations
- an installer script to setup Microk8s from the default SNAP repo
- You will be prompted to logout and back into the instance to finish configuration
- This script will enable Microk8s with the default storage, DNS
- MetalLB will prompt for network it should use: chose first network range presented this is the default local network to the instance
- Create the main directory /opt/sdds + bin, yaml, global_config & deployment-apps
- Creates a new namespace called splunk & sets defaults
- Apply the following YAML
- yaml/configmap.yaml - TCP Services for port/8089
- yaml/lb.yaml - MetalLB [https://metallb.universe.tf/] load-balancer service configuration that standardizes the sessionAffinity to the ClientIP of the incoming connection
- yaml/sdss.yaml - Pod/Deployment of 3 Splunk replicas configured as Deployment Servers
- Install Helm (SNAP) & add/run the Splunk OTEL Collector with the provided **sc4otel.yaml **
These following local sub-directories will map to the DS containers at these locations:
- deployment-apps/ >> $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps
- global_config/default/outputs.conf >> $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/global_config/default
- global_config/default/restmap.conf >> SPLUNK_HOME/etc/global_config/default
- global_config/default/serverclass.conf >> SPLUNK_HOME/etc/global_config/default
- global_config/default/optional-server.conf >> SPLUNK_HOME/etc/global_config/default
- if you have a previously set pass4symmkey for the UFs you will need to set that key in this apps server.conf file to avoid 401 errors