END OF LIFE: Roer has been EOL'd. Please use spin
instead: https://github.com/spinnaker/spin
A thin CLI for Spinnaker.
This project is aimed to provide a thin, limited client that's suitable for CI environments where you may want to publish Pipeline Templates or update pipeline configurations in Spinnaker. For a CLI to help configure and operate use halyard: config & operating utilities are not in Roer's scope.
You can download the most recent version from the Releases tab.
Make sure your Spinnaker installation has pipeline-templates enabled:
hal config features edit --pipeline-templates true
pointing to your Gate API.
roer - Spinnaker CLI
main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
pipeline pipeline tasks
pipeline-template pipeline template tasks
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--verbose, -v show debug messages
--certPath value, -c value HTTPS x509 cert path
--keyPath value, -k value HTTPS x509 key path
--version print the version
roer pipeline-template - pipeline template tasks
roer pipeline-template command [command options] [arguments...]
publish publish a pipeline template
plan validate a pipeline template and or plan a configuration
convert converts an existing, non-templated pipeline config into a scaffolded template
Publish template for use:
$ SPINNAKER_API=https://localhost:7002 \
go run cmd/roer/main.go pipeline-template publish examples/wait-template.yml
Plan a pipeline run using the template (invalid config example):
$ SPINNAKER_API=https://localhost:7002 \
go run cmd/roer/main.go pipeline-template plan examples/wait-config-invalid.yml
"errors": [
"location": "configuration:stages.noConfigStanza",
"message": "Stage configuration is unset",
"severity": "FATAL"
"location": "configuration:stages.noConfigStanza",
"message": "A configuration-defined stage should have either dependsOn or an inject rule defined",
"severity": "WARN"
"message": "Pipeline template is invalid",
"status": "BAD_REQUEST"
Plan a pipeline run using the template (valid config example):
$ SPINNAKER_API=https://localhost:7002 \
go run cmd/roer/main.go pipeline-template plan examples/wait-config.yml
"application": "spintest",
"id": "unknown",
"keepWaitingPipelines": false,
"limitConcurrent": true,
"name": "mpt",
"notifications": [],
"parameterConfig": [],
"stages": [
"id": "947eb68b-1b03-4f33-b7c2-b3fa38eeef94",
"name": "wait",
"refId": "wait",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [],
"type": "wait",
"waitTime": 5
"trigger": {
"parameters": {},
"type": "manual",
"user": "anonymous"
Create or update a managed pipeline within an application:
$ SPINNAKER_API=https://localhost:7002 \
go run cmd/roer/main.go pipeline save examples/wait-config.yml
All dependencies have been vendored into the repository and are managed via
govendor. You can sync the deps with govendor sync
$ go run cmd/roer/main.go
You can extend the interface, as well as inject your own HTTP client by providing
your own main.go
. This can be useful if you need to provide custom auth logic,
or if you want to add new commands, but not contribute them directly to the