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  1. solrmarc solrmarc Public

    SolrMarc is a utility that reads in MARC records, extracts information from various fields as specified in an indexing specification, and sends that information to a specified Apache Solr index.

    mIRC Script 39 23

  2. stanford-solr-marc stanford-solr-marc Public

    This git repository has moved to No further commits will be made here.

    Java 13 3

  3. marc-solr-profiling marc-solr-profiling Public

    Given a set of MARC records, create a Solr index meant as a way to explore "what's in my raw MARC data"

    Java 5 2

  4. solrmarc_the_next_generation solrmarc_the_next_generation Public

    A first pass at a complete reimplementation of SolrMarc. Based heavily on code written by Oliver Obenland.

    Java 3 2

  5. solrmarc_config_for_VuFind solrmarc_config_for_VuFind Public

    Sample Configuration for VuFind Indexing using new SolrMarc

    Java 2 1

  6. custom_methods custom_methods Public

    This repo contain standalone custom indexing methods for use in SolrMarc, as well as examples of how those methods can be used

    Java 1 3


Showing 8 of 8 repositories
  • solrmarc Public

    SolrMarc is a utility that reads in MARC records, extracts information from various fields as specified in an indexing specification, and sends that information to a specified Apache Solr index.

    solrmarc/solrmarc’s past year of commit activity
    mIRC Script 39 Apache-2.0 23 29 2 Updated Nov 15, 2024
  • custom_methods Public

    This repo contain standalone custom indexing methods for use in SolrMarc, as well as examples of how those methods can be used

    solrmarc/custom_methods’s past year of commit activity
    Java 1 3 3 0 Updated Jun 27, 2019
  • solrmarc_the_next_generation Public

    A first pass at a complete reimplementation of SolrMarc. Based heavily on code written by Oliver Obenland.

    solrmarc/solrmarc_the_next_generation’s past year of commit activity
    Java 3 2 9 1 Updated Nov 15, 2016
  • solrmarc_config_for_VuFind Public

    Sample Configuration for VuFind Indexing using new SolrMarc

    solrmarc/solrmarc_config_for_VuFind’s past year of commit activity
    Java 2 1 0 0 Updated Jul 18, 2016
  • cup-lex-eclipse Public Forked from pa314159/cup-lex-eclipse

    CUP/LEX editor plugin for Eclipse

    solrmarc/cup-lex-eclipse’s past year of commit activity
    Java 0 3 0 0 Updated Feb 6, 2016
  • solrmarcmixin Public

    A fframework for creating and testing custom indexing methods for use with solrmarc

    solrmarc/solrmarcmixin’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 14, 2015
  • stanford-solr-marc Public

    This git repository has moved to No further commits will be made here.

    solrmarc/stanford-solr-marc’s past year of commit activity
    Java 13 3 1 0 Updated May 6, 2014
  • marc-solr-profiling Public

    Given a set of MARC records, create a Solr index meant as a way to explore "what's in my raw MARC data"

    solrmarc/marc-solr-profiling’s past year of commit activity
    Java 5 2 0 0 Updated Apr 28, 2014

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