This analyzer samples 2 FPGA IOs at a fast rate and transmits the data in compressed form over a serial link to the host.
The code included in this repository was designed to be run on an UPduino with an external 10 MHz clock fed in, mainly because this is what I had on-hand.
It should be very trivially portable to other ice40 UltraPlus boards, and even to any ice40 providing you replace the FIFO to use EBRs instead of SPRAMs.
The iua
support for sigrok is availabel at
It is then possible to add the USB signaling and USB protocol decoders.
Beware than sigrok can be memory hungry when you feed 100 Msps data for long periods !!!
Each byte has :
- The lower 2 LSBs are the state of the IOs
- The upper 6 MSBs are a repeat count that indicate how many samples that state lasted (0=1 cycle, 1=2 cycles, ...)
If the repeat count is 63 (max value), this indicates that the repeat count is extended and that the next two bytes to follow are used to encode it (little endian).
Note that because a state might last more than the encodable 65536 cycles, the same state might need to be send several times.
Only decompression is specified, a compression engine is free to use sub-obtimal encoding, as long as the decompressed result is identical.
All code is GPL-v3 licensed