This is an open-source blog where I write about various technical aspects. This project is built using Jekyll, a simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. The site is hosted on Firebase and uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration.
The project follows a straightforward architecture:
- Jekyll: Generates static site content from Markdown files.
- GitHub Actions: Automates CI/CD pipeline, including CodeQL security analysis.
- Firebase: Hosts the generated static site.
- Docker: Provides containerized development and deployment environments.
hugs4bugs/ ├── _posts/ │ ├── ... ├── _site/ │ ├── ... ├── Dockerfile ├── docker-compose.yml ├── Gemfile ├── ..
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd hugs4bugs
- Install dependencies and run the Jekyll server:
gem install bundler && bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
- To load the server live, add the -l option:
bundle exec jekyll serve -l
To run the project inside a Docker container, follow these steps:
- Edit the docker-compose.yml file as per your preferences.
- Start the server:
docker-compose up
- Stop the server:
docker-compose stop
Continuous Integration
The repository uses GitHub Actions to automate the CI/CD pipeline. The workflow includes:
- CodeQL Analysis: Performs security analysis on the codebase to detect vulnerabilities.
- Firebase Deployment: Deploys the static site to Firebase Hosting. You can find the workflow configuration in the .github/workflows directory.
Contributions Feel free to raise PRs or issues if you find something useful or have suggestions for improvements.