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A file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...


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Dufs is a distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...



  • Serve static files
  • Download folder as zip file
  • Upload files and folders (Drag & Drop)
  • Create/Edit/Search files
  • Resumable/partial uploads/downloads
  • Access control
  • Support https
  • Support webdav
  • Easy to use with curl


With cargo

cargo install dufs

With docker

docker run -v `pwd`:/data -p 5000:5000 --rm sigoden/dufs /data -A
brew install dufs

Binaries on macOS, Linux, Windows

Download from Github Releases, unzip and add dufs to your $PATH.


Dufs is a distinctive utility file server -

Usage: dufs [OPTIONS] [serve-path]

  [serve-path]  Specific path to serve [default: .]

  -c, --config <file>        Specify configuration file
  -b, --bind <addrs>         Specify bind address or unix socket
  -p, --port <port>          Specify port to listen on [default: 5000]
      --path-prefix <path>   Specify a path prefix
      --hidden <value>       Hide paths from directory listings, e.g. tmp,*.log,*.lock
  -a, --auth <rules>         Add auth roles, e.g. user:pass@/dir1:rw,/dir2
  -A, --allow-all            Allow all operations
      --allow-upload         Allow upload files/folders
      --allow-delete         Allow delete files/folders
      --allow-search         Allow search files/folders
      --allow-symlink        Allow symlink to files/folders outside root directory
      --allow-archive        Allow download folders as archive file
      --enable-cors          Enable CORS, sets `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *`
      --render-index         Serve index.html when requesting a directory, returns 404 if not found index.html
      --render-try-index     Serve index.html when requesting a directory, returns directory listing if not found index.html
      --render-spa           Serve SPA(Single Page Application)
      --assets <path>        Set the path to the assets directory for overriding the built-in assets
      --log-format <format>  Customize http log format
      --log-file <file>      Specify the file to save logs to, other than stdout/stderr
      --compress <level>     Set zip compress level [default: low] [possible values: none, low, medium, high]
      --completions <shell>  Print shell completion script for <shell> [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]
      --tls-cert <path>      Path to an SSL/TLS certificate to serve with HTTPS
      --tls-key <path>       Path to the SSL/TLS certificate's private key
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version


Serve current working directory in read-only mode


Allow all operations like upload/delete/search/create/edit...

dufs -A

Only allow upload operation

dufs --allow-upload

Serve a specific directory

dufs Downloads

Serve a single file

dufs linux-distro.iso

Serve a single-page application like react/vue

dufs --render-spa

Serve a static website with index.html

dufs --render-index

Require username/password

dufs -a admin:123@/:rw

Listen on specific host:ip

dufs -b -p 80

Listen on unix socket

dufs -b /tmp/dufs.socket

Use https

dufs --tls-cert my.crt --tls-key my.key


Upload a file

curl -T path-to-file

Download a file

curl           # download the file
curl      # retrieve the sha256 hash of the file

Download a folder as zip file

curl -o

Delete a file/folder

curl -X DELETE

Create a directory

curl -X MKCOL

Move the file/folder to the new path

curl -X MOVE -H "Destination:"

List/search directory contents

curl           # search for files, similar to `find -name Dockerfile`
curl                 # output names only, similar to `ls -1`
curl                   # output paths in json format

With authorization (Both basic or digest auth works)

curl --user user:pass                 # basic auth
curl --user user:pass --digest        # digest auth

Resumable downloads

curl -C- -o file

Resumable uploads

upload_offset=$(curl -I -s | tr -d '\r' | sed -n 's/content-length: //p')
dd skip=$upload_offset if=file status=none ibs=1 | \
  curl -X PATCH -H "X-Update-Range: append" --data-binary @-

Health checks


Advanced Topics

Access Control

Dufs supports account based access control. You can control who can do what on which path with --auth/-a.

dufs -a admin:admin@/:rw -a guest:guest@/
dufs -a user:pass@/:rw,/dir1 -a @/
  1. Use @ to separate the account and paths. No account means anonymous user.
  2. Use : to separate the username and password of the account.
  3. Use , to separate paths.
  4. Use path suffix :rw/:ro set permissions: read-write/read-only. :ro can be omitted.
  • -a admin:admin@/:rw: admin has complete permissions for all paths.
  • -a guest:guest@/: guest has read-only permissions for all paths.
  • -a user:pass@/:rw,/dir1: user has read-write permissions for /*, has read-only permissions for /dir1/*.
  • -a @/: All paths is publicly accessible, everyone can view/download it.

Auth permissions are restricted by dufs global permissions. If dufs does not enable upload permissions via --allow-upload, then the account will not have upload permissions even if it is granted read-write(:rw) permissions.

Hashed Password

DUFS supports the use of sha-512 hashed password.

Create hashed password:

$ openssl passwd -6 123456 # or `mkpasswd -m sha-512 123456`

Use hashed password:

dufs -a 'admin:$6$tWMB51u6Kb2ui3wd$5gVHP92V9kZcMwQeKTjyTRgySsYJu471Jb1I6iHQ8iZ6s07GgCIO69KcPBRuwPE5tDq05xMAzye0NxVKuJdYs/@/:rw'

The hashed password contains $6, which can expand to a variable in some shells, so you have to use single quotes to wrap it.

Two important things for hashed passwords:

  1. Dufs only supports sha-512 hashed passwords, so ensure that the password string always starts with $6$.
  2. Digest authentication does not function properly with hashed passwords.

Hide Paths

Dufs supports hiding paths from directory listings via option --hidden <glob>,....

dufs --hidden .git,.DS_Store,tmp

The glob used in --hidden only matches file and directory names, not paths. So --hidden dir1/file is invalid.

dufs --hidden '.*'                          # hidden dotfiles
dufs --hidden '*/'                          # hidden all folders
dufs --hidden '*.log,*.lock'                # hidden by exts
dufs --hidden '*.log' --hidden '*.lock'

Log Format

Dufs supports customize http log format with option --log-format.

The log format can use following variables.

variable description
$remote_addr client address
$remote_user user name supplied with authentication
$request full original request line
$status response status
$http_ arbitrary request header field. examples: $http_user_agent, $http_referer

The default log format is '$remote_addr "$request" $status'.

2022-08-06T06:59:31+08:00 INFO - "GET /" 200

Disable http log

dufs --log-format=''

Log user-agent

dufs --log-format '$remote_addr "$request" $status $http_user_agent'
2022-08-06T06:53:55+08:00 INFO - "GET /" 200 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Log remote-user

dufs --log-format '$remote_addr $remote_user "$request" $status' -a /@admin:admin -a /folder1@user1:pass1
2022-08-06T07:04:37+08:00 INFO - admin "GET /" 200

Environment variables

All options can be set using environment variables prefixed with DUFS_.

[serve-path]                DUFS_SERVE_PATH="."
    --config <file>         DUFS_CONFIG=config.yaml
-b, --bind <addrs>          DUFS_BIND=
-p, --port <port>           DUFS_PORT=5000
    --path-prefix <path>    DUFS_PATH_PREFIX=/dufs
    --hidden <value>        DUFS_HIDDEN=tmp,*.log,*.lock
-a, --auth <rules>          DUFS_AUTH="admin:admin@/:rw|@/" 
-A, --allow-all             DUFS_ALLOW_ALL=true
    --allow-upload          DUFS_ALLOW_UPLOAD=true
    --allow-delete          DUFS_ALLOW_DELETE=true
    --allow-search          DUFS_ALLOW_SEARCH=true
    --allow-symlink         DUFS_ALLOW_SYMLINK=true
    --allow-archive         DUFS_ALLOW_ARCHIVE=true
    --enable-cors           DUFS_ENABLE_CORS=true
    --render-index          DUFS_RENDER_INDEX=true
    --render-try-index      DUFS_RENDER_TRY_INDEX=true
    --render-spa            DUFS_RENDER_SPA=true
    --assets <path>         DUFS_ASSETS=./assets
    --log-format <format>   DUFS_LOG_FORMAT=""
    --log-file <file>       DUFS_LOG_FILE=./dufs.log
    --compress <compress>   DUFS_COMPRESS=low
    --tls-cert <path>       DUFS_TLS_CERT=cert.pem
    --tls-key <path>        DUFS_TLS_KEY=key.pem

Configuration File

You can specify and use the configuration file by selecting the option --config <path-to-config.yaml>.

The following are the configuration items:

serve-path: '.'
port: 5000
path-prefix: /dufs
  - tmp
  - '*.log'
  - '*.lock'
  - admin:admin@/:rw
  - user:pass@/src:rw,/share
  - '@/'  # According to the YAML spec, quoting is required.
allow-all: false
allow-upload: true
allow-delete: true
allow-search: true
allow-symlink: true
allow-archive: true
enable-cors: true
render-index: true
render-try-index: true
render-spa: true
assets: ./assets/
log-format: '$remote_addr "$request" $status $http_user_agent'
log-file: ./dufs.log
compress: low
tls-cert: tests/data/cert.pem
tls-key: tests/data/key_pkcs1.pem

Customize UI

Dufs allows users to customize the UI with your own assets.

dufs --assets my-assets-dir/

If you only need to make slight adjustments to the current UI, you copy dufs's assets directory and modify it accordingly. The current UI doesn't use any frameworks, just plain HTML/JS/CSS. As long as you have some basic knowledge of web development, it shouldn't be difficult to modify.

Your assets folder must contains a index.html file.

index.html can use the following placeholder variables to retrieve internal data.

  • __INDEX_DATA__: directory listing data
  • __ASSETS_PREFIX__: assets url prefix


Copyright (c) 2022-2024 dufs-developers.

dufs is made available under the terms of either the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your option.

See the LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT files for license details.