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Parse and create PGNs (Portable Game Notation for chess games)


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Parser for PGNs (Portable Game Notation)

This is as ES6 Module for parsing and rendering of PGNs (Portable Game Notation).

The API is similar to history() of chess.js, but this module supports variations, nags and comments in the pgn.

I used the grammar file from PgnViewerJS of mliebelt to create the parser.


npm install cm-pgn


Use the Pgn class as JS Module:

<script type="module">
    import {Pgn} from "./PATH/TO/cm-pgn/src/Pgn.js"
    // parse pgn
    const pgn = new Pgn(`[Site "Berlin"]
[Date "1989.07.02"]
[White "Haack, Stefan"]
[Black "Maier, Karsten"]

1. e4 e5 (e6) 2. Nf3 $1 {Great move!} Nc6 *`)

Pgn constructor

constructor(pgnString = "", props = {})

if you set { sloppy: true } in props, some non-standard move notations will be accepted. See also .move(move, options) from chess.js.

Data structure

The pgn has a pgn.header and a pgn.history.


The header holds the PGN header elements in the key value object tags.

pgn.header.tags = {
    Site: "Berlin",
    Date: "1989.07.02",
    White: "Haack, Stefan",
    Black: "Maier, Karsten"


The moves are stored in an array. Every element of that array has the following structure

pgn.history.moves[i] = {
    color: "w", // the moving color
    fen: "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1", // the fen after that move
    flags: "b", // the flags, like described below
    from: "e2", // the square from
    next: {color: "b", from: "e7", to: "e6", flags: "n", piece: "p", /*…*/}, // a pointer to the next move 
    piece: "p", // the piece type 
    ply: 1, // the ply number
    previous: undefined, // a pointer to the previous move
    san: "e4", // the move in SAN notation
    to: "e4", // the square to
    uci: "e2e4", // the move in UCI notation
    variation: (4) [{/*…*/}, {/*…*/}, {/*…*/}, {/*…*/}], // a pointer to the begin of the current variation
    variations: [] // all variations starting with that move


  • 'n' - a non-capture
  • 'b' - a pawn push of two squares
  • 'e' - an en passant capture
  • 'c' - a standard capture
  • 'p' - a promotion
  • 'k' - kingside castling
  • 'q' - queenside castling


  • 'p' - pawn
  • 'n' - knight
  • 'b' - bishop
  • 'r' - root
  • 'q' - queen
  • 'k' - king


const history = pgn.history
assert.equal(4, history.moves.length)
assert.equal(history.moves[0].san, "e4")
assert.equal(history.moves[1].variations.length, 1)
assert.equal(history.moves[1].variations[0][0].san, "e6")
assert.equal(history.moves[2].nag, "$1")
assert.equal(history.moves[2].commentAfter, "Great move!")
assert.equal(history.moves[2].fen, "rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2")
assert.equal(history.moves[3].from, "b8")
assert.equal(history.moves[3].to, "c6")
assert.equal(history.moves[3].uci, "b8c6")
assert.equal(history.moves[3].san, "Nc6")
assert.equal(history.moves[3].previous.san, "Nf3")
assert.equal(history.moves[3], "Nc6")


This module uses PEG.js for parser generation. The parser (pgnParser.js) in src/cm-pgn/parser/ is generated from the grammar file src/grammar/pgn.pegjs.

To recreate the parser after modification of src/grammar/pgn.pegjs, run bin/


Run the unit tests

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