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URL parsing done reasonably.

Build Status Status: Production Team: Big Data Scope: External Open Source: MIT Critical: Yes

Moz crawls. We crawl lots. In fact, you might say that crawling is our business.

The internet's also a messy place. We've encountered some pretty crazy implementations and servers and URLs and HTML. Over the course of this discovery, we've found ourselves repeating certain URL sanitization tasks over and over, so we've put them in a repo to share with the world.

At the heart of the url package is the URL object. You can get one by passing in a unicode or string object into the top-level parse method. If the string is encoded, you can provide that encoding (otherwise it's assumed to be utf-8):

import url

# It knows about unicode
myurl = url.parse(u'')

# It knows about other encodings that Python supports
myurl = url.parse(..., 'some encoding')

Internally, everything is stored as UTF-8 until you ask for a string back. The workflow is that you'll chain a number of permutations together to get the type of URL you're after, and then call a final method to give you a string.

# Defrag, remove some parameters and give me a unicode string

# Escape the path, and punycode the host, and give me a UTF-8 string

# Give me the absolute path url as some encoding
url.parse(...).abspath().encode('some encoding')

URL Equivalence

URL objects compared with == are interpreted very strictly, but for a more lax interpretation, consider using equiv to test if two urls are functionally equivalent:

a = url.parse('https://fö')
b = url.parse('https://xn--fo-fka.COM/b/?a=1&b=2')

# These urls are not equal
assert(a != b)
# But they are equivalent

This equivalence test takes default ports for common schemes into account (so if both urls are the same scheme, but one explicitly specifies the default port), punycoding, case of the host name, and parameter order.

Absolute URLs

You can perform many operations on relative urls (those without a hostname), but punycoding and unpunycoding are not among them. You can also tell whether or not a url is absolute:

a = url.parse('foo/bar.html')
assert(not a.absolute())


Many of the methods on the URL class can be chained to produce a number of effects in sequence:

import url

# Create a url object
myurl = url.URL.parse('')
# Remove some parameters and the fragment, spit out utf-8
print myurl.defrag().deparam(['utm_source']).utf8

In fact, unless the function explicitly returns a string, then the method may be chained:


Removes semantically meaningless excess '?', '&', and ';' characters from query and params:

>>> url.parse('').strip().utf8


According to the RFC, the order of parameters is not supposed to matter. In practice, it can (depending on how the server matches URL routes), but it's also helpful to be able to put parameters in a canonical ordering. This ordering happens to be alphabetical order:

>>> url.parse('').canonical().utf8


Remove any fragment identifier from the url. This isn't part of the reuqest that gets sent to an HTTP server, and so it's often useful to remove the fragment when doing url comparisons.

>>> url.parse('').defrag().utf8


Some parameters are commonly added to urls that we may not be interested in. Or they may be misleading. Common examples include referrering pages, utm_source and session ids. To strip out all such parameters from your url:

>>> url.parse('').deparam(['do', 'not', 'want']).utf8


Like its os.path namesake, this makes sure that the path of the url is absolute. This includes removing redundant forward slashes, . and ...

>>> url.parse('').abspath().utf8


Non-ASCII characters in the path are typically encoded as UTF-8 and then escaped as %HH where H are hexidecimal values. It's important to note that the escape function is idempotent, and can be called repeatedly

>>> url.parse(u'ümlaut').escape().utf8
>>> url.parse(u'ümlaut').escape().escape().utf8


If you have a URL that might have been escaped before it was given to you, but you'd like to display something a little more meaningful than %C3%BCmlaut, you can unescape the path:

>>> print url.parse('').unescape().unicode()ümlaut


Evaluate a relative path given a base url:

>>> url.parse('').relative('../foo').utf8


For non-ASCII hostnames, they must be punycoded before a DNS request is made for them. To this end, there's the punycode function:

>>> url.parse('http://ü').punycode().utf8


If a url may have been punycoded before it's been handed to you, and you'd like to be able to display something nicer than

>>> print url.parse('').unpunycode().utf8

Other Functions

Not all functions are chainable -- some return a value other than a URL object:

  • encode(...) -- return a version of the url in an arbitrary encoding

Public Suffix List

This library comes bundled with a version of the public suffix list. However, it may not suit your needs (whether you need to stay pinned to an old list, or need to update to a new list). As such, you can provide the PSL you'd like to use, as a UTF-8 string:

import url

# Read it from a file
with open('path/to/my/psl') as fin:

# Grab it from the PSL site
import requests


Many attributes are available on URL objects:

  • scheme -- empty string if URL is relative
  • host -- None if URL is relative
  • hostname -- like host, but empty string if URL is relative
  • pld -- the pay-level domain, or an empty string if URL is relative
  • tld -- the top-level domain, or an empty string if URL is relative
  • port -- None if absent (or removed)
  • path -- always with a leading /
  • params -- string of params following the ; (with extra ;'s removed)
  • query -- string of queries following the ? (with extra ?'s and &'s removed)
  • fragment -- empty string if absent
  • absolute -- a bool indicating whether the URL is absolute
  • unicode -- a unicode version of the URL
  • utf8 -- a utf-8 verison of the URL

Contentious Issues

Some questions that I still have outstanding:

Strip ?'s From Query Names?

If I have a query string ?a=1&?b=2, and I sanitize the params, should the resulting query string be ?a=1&?b=2 or ?a=1&b=2 (note the missing ? before the b in the second version).

If not in the above example, what about in ?????a=1? Should the resulting query string be a mere ?a=1?


I'd like to support lazily-evaluated properties like hostname, netloc, etc.

Dictionary Access

I'd like to support dictionary-style access to parameters and query arguments, though I'm not sure how to best to do it. My current thinking is that there will be one way of getting params, one for queries, and then one for either.


This represents code samples, unit tests and functions from Mozzers, including:

  • David Barts
  • Brandon Forehand
  • Dan Lecocq