django-teryt is a Django app that implements TERYT database. TERYT (Polish: "Krajowy Rejestr Urzędowy Podziału Terytorialnego Kraju", English: "National Official Register of Territorial Division of the Country") is a register maintained by Polish Central Statistical Office (Polish: Główny Urząd Statystyczny; GUS). Among other things it contains:
- identifiers and names of units of territorial division,
- identifiers and names of localities,
- identifiers and names of streets
This app parses XML files from GUS and it imports them to the database. It is meant to be used as a part of a larger system.
The full documentation is at
Install django-teryt:
pip install django-teryt
If you are using Django 1.6 or lower you have to install South:
pip install 'south>=1.0'
Add teryt
in your
and run:
./ migrate teryt
Then download TERYT data from GUS website, unpack it and then import it:
./ teryt_parse /path/to/WMRODZ.xml /path/to/TERC.xml /path/to/SIMC.xml /path/to/ULIC.xml
- It can import all data from all TERYT files
- It deals with updates (just run ./ teryt_parse --update TERC.xml)
- It keeps flag (aktywny) telling you if some record is still present in TERYT (there are some minor changes in territorial division from time to time)
All bug reports and pull requests are welcome. You can report them at It can be in English or in Polish ;)