a simple cli tool for bumping semantic versions in various config file formats.
- json
- toml
- yaml
svbump write [LEVEL] [SELECTOR] [FILE] # modify version
svbump read [SELECTOR] [FILE] # read version
svbump preview [LEVEL] [SELECTOR] [FILE] # preview change
# bump the patch version in package.json
svbump write patch version package.json
# bump the minor version in a nested field
svbump write minor package.version Cargo.toml
# bump the major version in a yaml file
svbump write major version app.yaml
# set a specific version (must be higher than current)
svbump write 2.5.0 version package.json
# preview what a bump would do without modifying
svbump preview minor version package.json
# print the current version to stdout
svbump read version package.json
svbump read package.version Cargo.toml
brew install schpet/tap/svbump
head on over to https://github.com/schpet/svbump/releases/latest
bumps a semver from stdin, can be composed with other stuff like tomato for toml to update files.