#Koop - Custom Setup
Information about koop can be found here. In short: koop is something like an adapter between several (mapping-)APIs to serve those as ESRI Feature Service or as a geojson output. You can also describe it as a small "Feature Manipulation Service". For more information check the above link.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt trusty-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
wget --quiet -O - http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install nodejs build-essential
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 postgresql-contrib
sudo su -l postgres
postgres@ubuntu-14:~$ pg_createcluster 9.3 main --start
postgres@ubuntu-14:~$ exit
sudo service postgresql start
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Change password for 'postgres'-user and enable PostGIS Extension (can also be done via pgAdmin)
\password postgres
Database connection to the world (of course only if you want to have this publicly available database)
nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
- Place the following line:
"host all all md5"
in the corresponding code-block (somewhere at the end of the file) and save the changes. sudo nano postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'
(remove # and paste *) - Restart postgresSQL database:
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Koop needs some individual modifications and edits, to set it up for your local and personal environment.
Clone the koop-repo to your server:
git clone https://github.com/Esri/koop.git
cd koop/
Edit the providers.json, so custom providers also be installed by executing setup.js. A custom providers.json can look like the following
"koop-gist": "https://github.com/chelm/koop-gist/tarball/master",
"koop-github": "https://github.com/chelm/koop-github/tarball/master",
"koop-agol": "https://github.com/Esri/koop-agol/tarball/master",
"koop-socrata": "https://github.com/chelm/koop-socrata/tarball/master",
"koop-ckan": "https://github.com/chelm/koop-ckan/tarball/master",
"koop-acs": "https://github.com/chelm/koop-acs/tarball/master",
"koop-dwd": "https://github.com/schlomm/koop-dwd/tarball/master",
"koop-ckan_govdata": "https://github.com/schlomm/koop-ckan_govdata/tarball/master",
- Execute the
via node, so the providers will be added to the package.json:node setup.js
Enable Database Support for koop to cache data in PostGIS. Fot his: Set the right runtime.json in /koop/config/runtime.json
"postgis": {
"conn": "postgres://postgres:postgrespassword@localhost:5432/postgres"
"server": {
"port": 1337
### where "postgis" is the database type (so the extension has to be enabled first)
### where "postgres://postgres:postgrespassword@localhost:5432/postgres" is -> 'databasetype'://user:databasepassword@host:port/databasename
Within the koop dir, install koop
cd /home/koop
npm install
The installation can take several minutes.
- For using koop-gist you need to have a Github Token, which has to be generated in Github under you Account preferences. This has to be stored in the models-dir of the koop-gist-module.
- Open and Edit the config-file:
nano koop/node_modules/koop-gist/models/config.js.example
- Add your API Key:
exports.token = "token here";
- Save file under
or simply copy it viacp config.js.example config.js
- http://localhost:1337/gist (with Box for pasting gist)
- http://localhost:1337/gist/784a0c08c32ca135ed15
- http://localhost:1337/gist/7f31fce21894cc5529d9
- http://localhost:1337/gist/784a0c08c32ca135ed15/preview
- http://localhost:1337/gist/7f31fce21894cc5529d9/preview
- http://localhost:1337/gist/784a0c08c32ca135ed15/FeatureServer
- http://localhost:1337/gist/7f31fce21894cc5529d9/FeatureServer
- For using koop-github you need to have a Github Token, which has to be generated in Github under you Account preferences. This has to be stored in the models-dir of the koop-gist-module.
- Open and Edit the config-file:
nano koop/node_modules/koop-github/models/config.js.example
- Add your API Key:
exports.token = "token here";
- Save file under
or simply copy it viacp config.js.example config.js
- If you want to access files in a Github Repo-Folder, you need to separate the folder-folder and the folder-file with
- http://localhost:1337/github/schlomm/Random_Stuff/examples::examples::world_countries_small
- http://localhost:1337/github/schlomm/Random_Stuff/examples::examples::world_countries_small/Preview
- http://localhost:1337/github/schlomm/Random_Stuff/examples::examples::world_countries_small/FeatureServer/0
Install koop-socrata Extension only if it is not already installed (check koop/node_modules/ beforehand) or if it is not installed by default using a customized providers.json (check koop-setup preparations section
npm install https://github.com/chelm/koop-socrata/tarball/master
Please note that the koop-server has to be up and running). Some example socrata portals.
curl --data "host=https://data.nola.gov&id=nola" localhost:1337/socrata
curl --data "host=https://data.seattle.gov&id=seattle" localhost:1337/socrata
curl --data "host=https://data.colorado.gov&id=colorado" localhost:1337/socrata
- Get a list of all registered socrata providers:
- Get more information about a specific provider by specifying the provider-id:
- Access socrata dataset as raw geojson:
- Access socrata dataset as ESRI FeatureService:
- Preview socrata dataset on a map:
- https://data.seattle.gov/Education/Seattle-schools/uanm-dxsk
- http://localhost:1337/socrata/seattle/uanm-dxsk
- http://localhost:1337/socrata/seattle/uanm-dxsk/preview
- http://localhost:1337/socrata/seattle/uanm-dxsk/FeatureServer/0
Install koop-ckan Extension only if it is not already installed (check koop/node_modules/ beforehand) or if it is not installed by default using a customized providers.json (check koop-setup preparations section
npm install https://github.com/chelm/koop-ckan/tarball/master
Please note that the koop-server has to be up and running). Some example socrata portals.
- ``curl --data "host=https://catalog.data.gov&id=datagov" localhost:1337/ckan`
curl --data "host=https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org&id=rwlabs" localhost:1337/ckan
curl --data "host=https://offenedaten.de&id=offenedaten" localhost:1337/ckan
curl --data "host=http://suche.transparenz.hamburg.de&id=hamburg" localhost:1337/ckan
curl --data "host=http://demo.ckan.org&id=demockan" localhost:1337/ckan
curl --data "host=http://data.kk.dk/&id=datakk" localhost:1337/ckan
Please note that ckan-portals and their datasets have to follow the following structure:
- portalURL/api/3/action/package_list
- portalURL/api/3/action/package_show?id=datasetid
- portalURL/api/3/action/package_search or /api/3/action/package_search?q=datasetid
- Get a list of all registered ckan providers:
- Get more information about a specific provider by specifying the provider-id:
- Access ckan dataset as raw geojson:
- Access ckan dataset as ESRI FeatureService:
- Preview ckan dataset on a map:
Install koop-agol extension only if it is not already installed (check koop/node_modules/ beforehand) or if it is not installed by default using a customized providers.json (check koop-setup preparations section
npm install https://github.com/chelm/koop-agol/tarball/master
Please note that the koop-server has to be up and running). Some example socrata portals.
curl -i -X POST -d "id=arcgis" -d "host=https://www.arcgis.com" localhost:1337/agol
- Get a list of all registered agolproviders:
- Get more information about a specific provider by specifying the provider-id:
- Access agol dataset as raw geojson:
- Access socrata dataset as ESRI FeatureService:
- Preview socrata dataset on a map:
- Access ArcGIS Online:
- **Files are needed (Shapes, csv) and they need to be publicly accessible **
- http://localhost:1337/agol/arcgis/99de7faee9984377abc4caa2b283ac38
- http://localhost:1337/agol/arcgis/99de7faee9984377abc4caa2b283ac38/preview
- http://localhost:1337/agol/arcgis/99de7faee9984377abc4caa2b283ac38/FeatureServer
If you want to use other available providers, it's mainly the same as the above mentioned. Some do not need to have the registering-procedure, because the are portal specific.
- Start node server:
node server.js
, where output is loged in current terminal session - Start node server and keep it up and running:
nohup node server.js > output.log &'
, where output is logged tooutput.log
and where the server is not terminated when terminal is closed or looses connection. You can also press CTRL+C - Kill Server:
- If
node server.js
was used:CTRL+C
- If
nohup node server.js > output.log &
, you cann kill the node.js server by knowing the running port:sudo fuser -v 1337/tcp
- gives you the process running on port 1337sudo fuser -vk 1337/tcp
- kills all running processes on port 1337
- If
- List all installed providers:
- Delete ckan:services via SQL:
DELETE FROM "ckan:services" WHERE id = 'govdatadaten' OR id = 'govdatanew'
If there is something to to with the default.yml, you need to install the js-yaml module for nodejs in the "koop/node_modules" folder via npm install js-yaml
. More infos here: https://www.npmjs.org/package/js-yaml