I always had the issue of loving my kindle and ebooks and loving mangas.
While I buy books/mangas to support the author and have a nice collection, I love & support the e-Format and only read on those as they're are way easier to use.
Not living in Japan has me not really having any readable access of weekly chapters in eManga format, so I wanted to write something to help me out on that!
M2em let's you automatically download Mangas via RSS Feed that updates at a configurable interval (and comics in the future?), convert them into eMangas and send them off via Email (Target being the Email to Kindle function of Amazon)!
- Mangastream
- MangaFox (With Splash Rendering container)
- Cdmnet
M2em requires Python3 and I highly recommend working in a virtualenv and if you want to use Mangasources which are JavaScript heavy, I actually recommend to use docker to deploy the m2em binary and the rendering service together. Some OS require the python-dev package!
You can use the Dockerfile or the image schemen/m2em. All options in the config.ini are available as environment variable. Make sure you write the exactly the same!
Have a look at the example Compose file in the repository. This will deploy two containers, m2em and splash. Splash is to render websites which use javascript. The alias (which you can add to your bashrc if you want) allows you to directly call the containerized application
docker-compose up -d
alias m2em='sudo docker exec -it m2em_m2em_1 ./m2em.py'
m2em -h
git clone [email protected]:schemen/m2em.git && cd m2em
virtualenv venv -p python3
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- validators
- texttable
- requests
- bs4
- urllib3
- feedparser
- KindleComicConverter
- KindleGen v2.9+ in a directory reachable by your PATH or in KCC directory (For MOBI generation). For Windows, place the .exe in the same directory
Get Kindlegen here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?docId=1000765211
As a concept, M2em has different workers that run in a loop. All Chapter/user data is saved in a SQLite3 Database.
- RssParser - Parsing the RSS feed and saving the information of each chapter
- Downloader - Downloading the Mangas and saving them
- Converter - Converting images into ebooks
- Sender - Compiling & Sending Emails to users and marking them as SENT
If you start m2em in loop mode (with or without --daemon) it will only consider any action with elements that that are younger than 24h hours.
The use of that is having it running on the server 24/7, waiting for updates from the feeds and ONLY handling said updates.
You can start a part of the loop without the restriction of 24h. Use the -a (--action) command with either element you wish to start.
Example: if you wish to download all chapters you have saved in your database, you start the download action.
./m2em.py --action downloader
You can directly apply an action to one chapter with the options --download, --convert or --send. You need to pass the ID of said chapter, you can find that out with "-Lc" or "-lc". You can pass multiple IDs.
Also, you can process N chapters with the "--process/-p" option:
./m2em.py -p 100 #Downloads, Converts and Sends chapter with ID 100
./m2em.py --download 100 #Downloads chapter with ID 100
usage: m2em.py [-h] [-af ADD_FEED] [-au] [-lm [LIST_MANGA]] [-lc] [-Lc] [-lf]
[-lu] [-cd] [-s] [--send [SEND [SEND ...]]]
[--convert [CONVERT [CONVERT ...]]]
[--download [DOWNLOAD [DOWNLOAD ...]]]
[--daemon] [-d] [-v]
Manga to eManga - m2em
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-af ADD_FEED, --add-feed ADD_FEED
Add RSS Feed of Manga. Only Mangastream & MangaFox are
-au, --add-user Adds new user
-lm [LIST_MANGA], --list-manga [LIST_MANGA]
Lists Manga saved in database. If a Manga is passed,
lists chapters to said Manga
-lc, --list-chapters Lists the last 10 Chapters
-Lc, --list-chapters-all
Lists all Chapters
-lf, --list-feeds Lists all feeds
-lu, --list-users Lists all Users
-cd, --create-db Creates DB. Uses Configfile for Naming
-s, --start Starts one loop
--send [SEND [SEND ...]]
Sends Chapter directly by chapter ID. Multiple IDs can
be given
--convert [CONVERT [CONVERT ...]]
Converts Chapter directly by chapter ID. Multiple IDs
can be given
--download [DOWNLOAD [DOWNLOAD ...]]
Downloads Chapter directly by chapter ID. Multiple IDs
can be given
-p [PROCESS [PROCESS ...]], --process [PROCESS [PROCESS ...]]
Processes chapter(s) by chapter ID, Download, convert,
send. Multiple IDs can be given
-a ACTION, --action ACTION
Start action. Options are: rssparser (collecting feed
data), downloader, converter or sender
-ss SWITCH_SEND, --switch-send SWITCH_SEND
Pass ID of User. Switches said user Send eBook status
Pass ID of Chapter. Deletes said Chapter
-du DELETE_USER, --delete-user DELETE_USER
Pass ID of User. Deletes said User
-df DELETE_FEED, --delete-feed DELETE_FEED
Pass ID of Feed. Deletes said Feed
--daemon Run as daemon
-d, --debug Debug Mode
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-f "filter_regex", --filter "filter_regex"
Adds a filter(python regex format), to filter the
title of any manga parsed. Example: "(?i)one-punch"
-fl, --filter-list Lists all filters
To have a working environment you need to add some initial data and create the database
./m2em.py --create-db # Create a DB
./m2em.py --add-feed <URL> # Add an RSS Feed you want to pull
# Please note that you should set the sending AFTER a complete run for now
./m2em.py --add-user # Add a user
For the sending to work, you need to have an email account so the program can send from it. I recommend creating a new email account for this. Change the Email settings in the config.ini to be able to use it.
# Location relative to the code position
SaveLocation = data/
# Database name
Database = main.db
# Duration the program sleeps after one run is finished in seconds
Sleep = 900
# Ebook output Format, check
# https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc for more information
EbookFormat = MOBI
# Ebook Profile setting, check
# https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc for more information
EbookProfile = KV
# If you want to run splash intependently change this setting
SplashServer = http://splash:8050
# Sender Email Server Settings
SMTPServer = mail.example.com
ServerPort = 587
EmailAdress = [email protected]
EmailAdressPw = yourpassword
ServerStartSSL = True
If you want to check out the manga that are in the database:
./m2em.py -lm
You can use this out put to refine the search! If you pass the manga name you get all chapters listed from that manga:
./m2em.py -lm "Shokugeki no Souma"
Listing all chapters of Shokugeki no Souma:
112 Shokugeki no Souma 240 Not Cute https://mangastream.com/rss SENT
91 Shokugeki no Souma 238 The Queen's Tart https://mangastream.com/rss SENT
78 Shokugeki no Souma 239 Her Fighting Style https://mangastream.com/rss SENT
To start a single run through the workers, you can simply execute the main program:
./m2em.py -s
If you wish to run the program as a daemon, start it with the option "--daemon" as well. It will re-run at the config "Sleep" in second.
./m2em.py -s --daemon
If you wish to disable/enable sending status of a user, use the -ss command
./m2em.py -ss <USERID>
Starting Loop at 2017-11-15 18:13:05
Starting RSS Data Fetcher!
Checking for new Feed Data...
Getting Feeds for https://mangastream.com/rss
Finished Loading RSS Data
Starting all outstanding Chapter Downloads!
Finished all outstanding Chapter Downloads
Starting recursive image conversion!
Finished recursive image conversion!
Starting to send all ebooks!
Finished sending ebooks!
Everything else should be self-explanatory with the "-h" option.
- MangaFox has issues with SSL Verification on some systems. For now, Simply add the http feed.
Please Open an issue if you find anything!
I greatly thank Ciro Mattia Gonano and Paweł Jastrzębski that created the KCC Library that enables the automatic conversation into Ebooks that are compatible with all Comic features of the Kindle! https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc