- Easy to use
- Modular
- Fast
Geddy should make things easy for the most basic applications, but still let you get under the hood and tinker if you want.
- Powerful, flexible router
- Easy resource-based routing
- App and resource generators
- Content-negotiation
- Session support (in-memory and CouchDB)
- Templating (EJS), partials support
- Fully non-blocking
Apache License, Version 2
#node.js on freenode.net
Mailing list:
** Prerequisites**
Geddy requires version 0.1.98 of Node.js.
To get Geddy from GitHub and install it:
git clone git://github.com/mde/geddy.git
cd geddy
make && sudo make install
Routes are similar to Merb or Rails routes.
Basic routes
{controller: 'Moving', action: 'pictures'});
{controller: 'Farewells', action: 'kings'});
//Can also match specific HTTP methods only
router.match('/xandadu', 'get').to(
{controller: 'Xandadu', action: 'specialHandler'});
Resource-based routes
Geddy comes with a utility called geddy-gen
you can use to
create an app. Run geddy
to start the server.
mde@localhost:~/work$ geddy-gen app bytor
Created app bytor.
mde@localhost:~/work$ cd bytor
mde@localhost:~/work/bytor$ geddy
Server running at
Go to http://localhost:4000/, and you should see:
Attention all planets of the Solar Federation
Use geddy-gen resource
in your app directory to add a
resource. The route will be set up automatically for you.
mde@localhost:~/work/bytor$ geddy-gen resource snow_dog
[ADDED] ./app/models/snow_dog.js
[ADDED] ./app/controllers/snow_dogs.js
resources snow_dogs route added to ./config/router.js
Created view templates.
Restart Geddy, and you'll see the new route working. Hit your new route -- for example, http://localhost:4000/snow_dogs.json, and you should see something like this:
The geddy-gen utility doesn't handle fancy pluralization between model and controller -- the default is simply to add an "s" to your resource name to use for the plural in controller names and paths.
However, you can specify different singular/plural names when generating your resource. Separate the singular and plural names by a comma, like this:
mde@localhost:~/work/bytor$ geddy-gen resource person,people
[ADDED] ./app/models/person.js
[ADDED] ./app/controllers/people.js
resources people route added to ./config/router.js
Created view templates.
After adding a resource, a Geddy app is laid out like this:
mde@localhost:~/work/bytor$ find .
Geddy's resource-based routes create url/request-method mappings for easy CRUD operations like this:
GET */snow_dogs[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, index action)
GET */snow_dogs/add[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, add action, for any new-resource template
-- "new" is not usable as a JavaScript action name)
POST */snow_dogs[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, create action)
GET */snow_dogs/:id[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, show action)
GET */snow_dogs/:id/edit[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, edit action)
PUT */snow_dogs/:id[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, update action)
DELETE */snow_dogs/:id[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, remove action)
A simple controller that just responds with any form-post/query-string params looks like this:
var SnowDogs = function () {
this.respondsWith = ['text', 'json', 'html'];
this.index = function (params) {
this.respond({params: params});
this.add = function (params) {
this.respond({params: params});
this.create = function (params) {
this.respond({params: params});
this.show = function (params) {
this.respond({params: params});
this.update = function (params) {
this.respond({params: params});
this.remove = function (params) {
this.respond({params: params});
exports.SnowDogs = SnowDogs;
Geddy has built-in ability to perform content-negotiation based on the requested filename-extension.
If you have a JSON-serializable JavaScript object you want
to return in JSON format, pass your JavaScript object to the
method in the action on that controller.
this.respondsWith = ['text', 'json'];
this.show = function (params) {
// (Fetch some item by params.id)
item = {foo: 'FOO', bar: 1, baz: false};
Geddy has an easy, intuitive way of defining models, with a full-featured set of data validations. The syntax is very similar to models in Ruby's ActiveRecord or DataMapper.
The model module is coded with browser-based use in mind, so it's very easy to share model and input validation code in your app between client and server.
Here is an example of a model with some validations:
var User = function () {
this.property('login', 'string', {required: true});
this.property('password', 'string', {required: true});
this.property('lastName', 'string');
this.property('firstName', 'string');
this.validatesFormat('login', /[a-z]+/, {message: 'Subdivisions!'});
this.validatesLength('login', {min: 3});
this.validatesConfirmed('password', 'confirmPassword');
this.validatesWithFunction('password', function (s) {
// Something that returns true or false
return s.length > 0;
// Can define methods for instances like this
this.someMethod = function () {
// Do some stuff
// Can also define them on the prototype
User.prototype.someOtherMethod = function () {
// Do some other stuff
// Server-side, commonjs
exports.User = User;
// Client-side
// geddy.model.registerModel('User');
Creating an instance of one of these models is easy:
var params = {
login: 'alex',
password: 'lerxst',
lastName: 'Lifeson',
firstName: 'Alex'
var user = User.create(params);
Data-validation happens on the call to create
, and any
validation errors show up inside an errors
property on
the instance, keyed by field name. Instances have a valid
method that returns a Boolean indicating whether the instance
is valid.
// Leaving out the required password field
var params = {
login: 'alex',
var user = User.create(params);
// Prints 'false'
// Prints 'Field "password" is required'
Geddy Web-app development framework copyright 2112 [email protected].