omcproxy is an IGMPv3 and MLDv2 multicast proxy for use in embedded Linux devices like routers. It is small in size and can be compiled to <40 KB.
It is partly based on code of
Source-Specific Multicast Querier
- MLDv2 querier (based on RFC 3810)
- IGMPv3 querier (based on RFC 3376)
Multicast Proxying (based on RFC 4605)
- Kernel-space multicast routing
- Multiple instances support
- Address-scope specific proxying
omcproxy uses libubox as submodule, be sure to clone this git repository with --recursive or run: "git submodule init; git submodule update" after cloning. If you are already using libubox as a shared library just pass -DWITH_LIBUBOX=1 to cmake.
omcproxy uses cmake:
- To prepare a Makefile use: "cmake ."
- To build / install use: "make" / "make install" afterwards.
- To build DEB or RPM packages use: "make package" afterwards.