An Advanced Copy Tools, with following extra features:
- Process bar
- Sorted copy order, to improve tape device read performance
- Multi target path, read once write many
- Read file with mmap, with small file prefetch hint
- JSON format job report
- Can use as a golang library
# Install acp
go install
Usage of acp:
-n do not overwrite exist file
do not have target, use as dir index tool
-report string
json report storage path
-target value
use target flag to give multi target path
# copy `example` dir to `target` dir
acp example target/
# copy `example` dir to `target` dir, and output a report to `report.json`
acp -report report.json example target/
# copy `example` dir to `target1` and `target2` dir
acp example -target target1 -target target2
# do not copy, just get a dir index, write to `report.json`
acp example -notarget -report report.json