I like minimalist setup.
It is good to factory reset your mac often to be aware of everything you have installed and to remove unwanted clutter.
The steps for cleaning your mac are as follows:
- Back up what you need.
- Boot your mac in recovery mode (Restart while holding
Cmd + R
). - In the
menu, selectDisk Utility
. - Click
on allInternal
drives (where permitted). - Once this has completed, click
, then close the window to get back to the original menu. - Click
Reinstall macOS
, thenContinue
Brave - For a web browser with unmatched speed, security and privacy.
Karabiner-Elements - For powerful key remapping.
Rectangle - "Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas".
Iterm2 - For a better terminal.
Qbserve - "Automatic Time Tracker for Mac".
Freedom - "Block distracting websites and apps".
Homebrew - "The Missing Package Manager for macOS".
Docker - "Securely build and share any application, anywhere".
Zsh - For a pleasant command line experience.
Vim - "The ubiquitous text editor".
Sketch - For prototyping and building components.
Remove all applications in the dock except Brave, Qbserve and Iterm2.
In System preferences > Trackpad
- tick:
Tap to click
In System preferences > Keyboard
- Key Repeat:
est. - Delay Until Repeat:
Hide the dock by right clicking it and selecting: Turn hiding on
In Security & Privacy > FileVault
Turn on FileVault
and set a recovery key.
(I like to ignore the recovery key as I never store anything worth keeping on my machine).
In browser settings (Cmd + ,
- tick:
Use wide address bar
. - set
Search engine used in the address bar
to: DuckDuckGo.
Add the Lastpass extension - For managing all your passwords.
This can be done in Manage extensions
in the browser settings.
The only feature I use is remapping my Caps-Lock
key to Esc
when tapped and to Ctrl
when held.
This can be set up by importing the Change caps_lock key
modifier keys sample from pqrs
inside the Karabiner elements app, go to the
Complex Modifications
tab. -
add rule
. -
enable the
Change caps_lock to control if pressed with other keys, to escape if pressed alone.
In Settings > Preferences
Allow any keyboard shortcut
.Launch on login
These are the commands I use:
- Fullscreen:
Cmd + alt + p
. - Centre:
Cmd + alt + m
. - Left Half:
Cmd + alt + h
. - Right Half:
Cmd + alt + l
. - Top Half:
Cmd + alt + k
. - Bottom Half:
Cmd + alt + j
. - Next Display
Cmd + alt + n
. - Previous Display
Cmd + alt + N
In Preferences > General
- untick
Confirm closing multiple sessions
. - untick
Confirm Quit iTerm2
In Preferences > Profiles > General > Working directory
- tick:
Reuse previous session's directory
In Preferences > Profiles > Window > Settings For New windows
- set
columns: 500, Rows: 500
- for a full screen terminal window each session.
In Preferences > Profiles > Terminal > Notifications
- tick
Silence bell
Works so nicely out of the box, nothing to configure.
I always operate in "Locked mode" with 13 hour, overlapping schedules.
For more info on getting set up, see: https://freedom.to/blog/freedom-101-faqs-answered/
Docker desktop can be downloaded from here: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/
You may have to log in to DockerHub
to perform the download.
Follow instructions found here: https://brew.sh
This is what I ran:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
These are some of the packages I'll always add:
brew install git grip fd macvim node python
The modern shell supported by an awesome community.
I installed it with:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
I have a custom theme and plugin, install them with:
curl -SLs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samhstn/my-config/master/sams-theme.zsh-theme \
> ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/sams-theme.zsh-theme
mkdir ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/sams-config
curl -SLs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samhstn/my-config/master/sams-config.plugin.zsh \
> ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/sams-config/sams-config.plugin.zsh
I have my zshrc edited like so:
I use MacVim
in the terminal, this can be installed with:
brew install macvim
Add my .vimrc
curl -SLs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samhstn/my-config/master/.vimrc > ~/.vimrc
I don't really know what I'm doing in Sketch, but it's fun to play around with and build prototypes.
There are couple of additional setup steps:
# Create the `proj` directory where I put all my coding projects.
md proj
# See this medium article for git ssh setup:
# https://medium.com/@fredrikanderzon/setting-up-ssh-keys-for-multiple-bitbucket-github-accounts-a5244c28c0ac
# some git setup.
git config --global user.name <yourname>
git config --global user.email <[email protected]>
# global gitignore of `.DS_Store`.
echo ".DS_Store" > ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
# I always disable system pager for `git branch` command.
# for more info, see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48370253
git config --global pager.branch false
# I use system pager if diff doesn't fit on terminal screen, otherwise output to stdout.
# for more info, see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31399632/4699289
git config --global core.pager "less -FRSX"
# Install the `m` command line tool following instructions here:
# https://github.com/samhstn/m
# (optional) we may want to symlink the custom zsh theme and plugin when in development.
rm ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/sams-config/sams-config.plugin.zsh
rm ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/sams-theme.zsh-theme
git clone [email protected]:samhstn/my-config.git
ln -s $PWD/my-config/sams-config.plugin.zsh $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/sams-config/sams-config.plugin.zsh
ln -s $PWD/my-config/sams-theme.zsh-theme $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/themes/sams-theme.zsh-theme
Now your set up with exactly my configuration!
If you think I have missed anything out, or should be doing something differently let me know in an issue