TeleGram Guard Inline Version
first goto botfather and create a robot
trun on inline mode, inline location and change Inline feedback to 100%
revoke token
test with Ubuntu 16.04 x64:
git clone && cd tgGuard && bash config.bash
for install press key's "y" then "enter"
every where write api bot id
you must insert robot api id created with botfather.
every where write cli bot id
you must insert telegram account id.
every where write your id
or owner
you must insert your acoount id.
nano api.lua
replase your information in:
line 8 = api bot token
line 11 = your id (owner)
line 15 = your id & cli bot id & other sudo user's
line 165 = #Cli Bot Id - #Your Id
for save press key's
nano tgGuard.lua
edit and replace
line 25 = cli bot id
line 26 = cli bot id
line 27 = your id (owner)
line 28 = your id & cli bot id & other sudo user's
line 35 = api bot id
line 5946 = api bot id
for save press key's
Now send command to server:
./ api
close server.
open server and send belove command:
./ bot
# Will ask you for robot phone number & confirmation code.
- Don't use ! , # , / before command.