This shell script helps you to collect various statistics about your router and to visualize it with some cool graphs. See WIKI for a graph examples.
A first version was written for in 2005 for Asus WL-500G and now it evolved to use on Asus RT-N66U.
- Original thread:!
- First version:
- Version 1.3:
- Current version: now here, on
I've commited all this versions for history.
- rrdtool - a package from Entware/Optware/OpenWRT repositories,
- bash - required because of arrays, a shell from busybox is not sufficient,
- cron - to collect data periodically,
- web server - to serve static HTML files and PNG images with stat visualization.
Place to router and make sure it executable.
Look into and change path to Round Robin DB storage, path to WWW root, check HDD partition names and other sensors definitions.
Default values is for Entware/Optware.
Initialize RRD database
$ create 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
where 0..6 is a sensor numbers. You may use only some of them:
- 0 - Average system load,
- 1 - RAM usage,
- 2 - Wireless PHY's temperatures,
- 3 - CPU usage,
- 4 - WAN traffic statistics,
- 5 - Disk space,
- 6 - Wireless outgoing traffic.
Create a cron job to collect sensors data every minute:
$ update 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Create a cron job to update graphs as soon as you wish, i.e. every hour:
$ graph_cron h 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
where h is a drawing period. Avaliable periods:
- s - 1 hour graphs,
- h - 4 hours graphs,
- d - 24 hours graphs,
- w - weekly graphs,
- m - monthly graphs,
- y - yearly graphs.
If you want to draw graphs for all those periods use:
$ graph 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
On a Asus RT-N66U last one takes ~3,5 minutes. See a WIKI pages for graph examples. Feel free to use and to discuss here or at
See the LICENSE file in the source code for the license terms.