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rsw = rs(rust) → w(wasm) - A command-line tool for automatically rebuilding local changes, based on the wasm-pack implementation.

Crate Info API Docs

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# Rust - install globally
cargo install rsw
# help
rsw -h

# rsw.toml - initial configuration
rsw init

# generate a wasm project
rsw new <name>

# dev mode
rsw watch

# release mode
rsw build

# clean - link & build
rsw clean

Awesome rsw


# @see:
# RUST_LOG=rsw=<info|trace|debug|error|warn> rsw <watch|build|new>
# 1. info
RUST_LOG=rsw=info rsw <SUBCOMMAND>

# 2. all: info, trace, debug, error, warn


Defines files/paths to be ignored. Similar to .gitignore.


# .watchignore


configuration file


Create rsw.toml in the project root path, configure the rust crate parameter, and run the rsw watch or rsw build command.

  • name - Profile name (optional)
  • version - Profile version (optional)
  • interval - Development mode rsw watch, time interval for file changes to trigger wasm-pack build, default 50 milliseconds
  • cli - npm | yarn | pnpm, default is npm. Execute link using the specified cli, e.g. npm link
  • [new] - Quickly generate a crate with wasm-pack new, or set a custom template in rsw.toml -> [new] -> using
    • using - wasm-pack | rsw | user, default is wasm-pack
      • wasm-pack - rsw new <name> --template <template> --mode <normal|noinstall|force> wasm-pack new doc
      • rsw - rsw new <name>, built-in templates
      • user - rsw new <name>, if dir is not configured, use wasm-pack new <name> to initialize the project.
    • dir - Copy all files in this directory. This field needs to be configured when using = "user". using = "wasm-pack" or using = "rsw", this field will be ignored
  • [[crates]] - Is an array that supports multiple rust crate configurations
    • name - npm package name, supporting organization, e.g. @rsw/foo
    • root - Relative to the project root path, default is .
    • link - true | false,default is false, Whether to execute the link command after this rust crate is built
    • target - bundler | nodejs | web | no-modules, default is web
    • scope - npm organization
    • out-dir - npm package output path, default pkg
    • [] - Development mode
      • run - Whether this crate needs to be watching, default is true
      • profile - dev | profiling, default is dev
    • [] - Production mode
      • run - Whether this crate needs to be build, default is true
      • profile - release | profiling, default is release

Note: name in [[crates]] is required, other fields are optional.


rsw watch - temp dir

  • - information about the watch mode
    • [RSW::OK]
    • [RSW::ERR]
    • [RSW::NAME]
    • [RSW::PATH]
    • [RSW::BUILD]
  • rsw.err - wasm-pack build error
  • rsw.crates


# rsw.toml

name = "rsw"
version = "0.1.0"

#! time interval for file changes to trigger wasm-pack build, default `50` milliseconds
interval = 50

#! link
#! npm link @see
#! yarn link @see
#! pnpm link @see
#! The link command will only be executed if `[[crates]] link = true`
#! cli: `npm` | `yarn` | `pnpm`, default is `npm`
cli = "npm"

#! ---------------------------

#! rsw new <name>
#! @see
#! using: `wasm-pack` | `rsw` | `user`, default is `wasm-pack`
#! 1. wasm-pack: `rsw new <name> --template <template> --mode <normal|noinstall|force>`
#! 2. rsw: `rsw new <name>`, built-in templates
#! 3. user: `rsw new <name>`, if `dir` is not configured, use `wasm-pack new <name>` to initialize the project
using = "wasm-pack"
#! this field needs to be configured when `using = "user"`
#! `using = "wasm-pack"` or `using = "rsw"`, this field will be ignored
#! copy all files in this directory
dir = "my-template"

#! ################# NPM Package #################

#! When there is only `name`, other fields will use the default configuration

#! 📦 -------- package: rsw-hello --------
#! npm package name (path: $ROOT/rsw-hello)
name = "rsw-hello"
#! run `npm link`: `true` | `false`, default is `false`
link = false

#! 📦 -------- package: @rsw/utils --------
#! npm package name (path: $ROOT/utils)
name = "utils"
# #! scope: npm org
scope = "rsw"
#! run `npm link`: `true` | `false`, default is `false`
link = false

#! 📦 -------- package: @rsw/hello --------
#! npm package name (path: $ROOT/@rsw/hello)
name = "@rsw/hello"
#! default is `.`
root = "."
#! default is `pkg`
out-dir = "pkg"
#! target: bundler | nodejs | web | no-modules, default is `web`
target = "web"
#! run `npm link`: `true` | `false`, default is `false`
link = false
#! rsw watch
#! default is `true`
run = true
#! profile: `dev` | `profiling`, default is `dev`
profile = "dev"
#! rsw build
#! default is `true`
run = true
#! profile: `release` | `profiling`, default is `release`
profile = "release"


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