Verified Discord bot which uses the Google Books API to show info about books.
Available commands are listed at
on Discord has kindly decided to sponsor a VPS for bookbot to run on.
Install these by visiting their websites and running their platform-specific installers.
- NodeJS (v23.7.0)
- Typescript compiler
- MongoDB
- Docker Compose*
An asterik (*) indicates optional dependencies.
Install JavaScript dependencies with yarn install
Required scopes:
Required bot permissions:
- Text permissions:
- Send messages
- Embed Links
- Attach Files
- Read Message History
- Use External Emoji
- Add Reactions
An example configuration file can be found in the sample.env file.
Copy and rename this file to .env
and put your bot tokens, etc. inside.
tsc -w
nodemon dist/index.js
yarn install
yarn build
node dist/index.js
or (obviously needs the optional dependency Docker Compose)
docker-compose up