This projet is currently held in abeyance due to a lack of time. Feel free to contribute and extend it.
Ruby loader for libgit2-glib based on the ruby gobject-introspection gem from the ruby-GNOME2 project.
Documentation for libgit2-glib can be found here and documentation for libgit2 can be found here.
- Ruby/GObject-Introspection in Ruby-GNOME2
- GObject Introspection
- libgit2-glib
require "ggit"
# initialize with working directory (create and fill .git/)
dir = => "#{@path}/non_bare_repo/test")
Ggit::Repository.init_repository(dir, false)
# bare
dir = => "#{@path}/bare_repo/test/.git")
repo = Ggit::Repository.init_repository(dir, true)
url = ""
destination = => "#{@path}/ggit-clone")
Ggit::Repository.clone(url, destination)
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team
This program is free software. You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1.