A lightweight Go wrapper around libudev to simplify monitoring USB device add/remove events. This package abstracts away the complexities of the low-level udev API, providing a simple interface for detecting and responding to USB devices being connected or disconnected.
// monitor USB hotplug events
package main
import (
func main() {
// Print device properties when plugged in or unplugged
filter := &usbmon.ActionFilter{Action: usbmon.ActionAll}
devs, err := usbmon.ListenFiltered(context.Background(), filter)
if err != nil {
for dev := range devs {
fmt.Printf("-- Device %s\n", dev.Action())
fmt.Println("Serial: " + dev.Serial())
fmt.Println("Path: " + dev.Path())
fmt.Println("Vendor: " + dev.Vendor())
- libudev
Ubuntu/Debian: apt install libudev-dev
Fedora/RHEL: dnf install systemd-devel
Arch Linux: pacman -S systemd-libs
See examples for more usage examples.
MIT - See LICENSE for details.