EC11 Encoder Library for Arduino
A highly optimized library for managing EC11-type and similar rotary encoders.
- Precise count management for EC11 encoders (4 pulses per detent)
- Configurable software debouncing
- Configurable pulse divider (1,2,4)
- Direction detection
- Rotation speed calculation
- Configurable position limits
- Diagnostics and debugging capabilities
Encoder enc(pinA, pinB); // Create encoder on specified pins
enc.setDivisor(4); // EC11: counts 1,2,3,4...
enc.setDivisor(2); // EC11: counts 2,4,6,8...
enc.setDivisor(1); // EC11: counts 4,8,12,16...
enc.setDebounceTime(5); // Set debounce to 5ms
enc.setLimits(-100, 100); // Set position limits
enc.setPosition(0); // Set current position
enc.getDirection(); // Get direction (-1,0,1)
enc.getSpeed(); // Get rotation speed
enc.getErrorCount(); // Get sequence error count
enc.enableDebug(true); // Enable serial debugging
Encoder enc(2, 3); // Create encoder on pins 2,3
enc.setDivisor(4); // Configure for EC11
enc.setDebounceTime(5); // Set 5ms debounce
enc.setLimits(0, 100); // Limit between 0 and 100
int32_t pos =; // Read position