- Name: Rohit Roy
- Role: Software Engineer
- Company: ServiceNow
- Bio: A Learner! Passionate about coding, problem-solving, and continuous learning.
- LeetCode: Collection of LeetCode questions solved by me. (Java)
- demoMavenProject: Demo DevOps Project. (Shell)
- RestServicesAutomationFramework: Automation Framework for Rest API testing using C# and RestSharp Framework.
- DataDrivenAutomationFramework: Data Driven Automation framework built using Java and TestNg Framework.
- DevOpsIntegration: Various DevOps integration projects. (Java)
- DSA: Data Structure and Algorithm projects. (Java)
- local-mac-setup: Git and other command shortcuts configurations for mac within the .zshrc file (Shell)
- Languages: Java, JavaScript, C#, Shell
- Technologies: RestSharp, TestNg, Maven, Apache-POI
- Expertise: DevOps, Automation Frameworks, Data Structures and Algorithms
- 🌱 I’m currently learning advanced DevOps techniques and cloud computing.
- 🎯 Future goals: To become a better software engineer than what I am today.
- 📫 Email: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love solving complex coding problems and participating in coding competitions.