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Robot Moose

ITEST: Being There telepresence robotics software

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  1. robotmoose robotmoose Public

    RobotMoose is our web-centric robotics infrastructure: SuperStar web server, Tabula Rasa backend and configurable Arduino firmware, and web front end.

    C++ 9 4

  2. hardware hardware Public

    This is our robotics CAD/CAM files, photos, firmware, and hardware development documents and notes.

    C 3

  3. stable_windows stable_windows Public

    RobotMoose stable software, Windows versions

  4. archive archive Public

    You should now use either robotmoose/robotmoose (robot control software) or robotmoose/hardware (CAD/CAM files, testing firmware, etc). This is the single large pre summer 2016 version of our repos…



Showing 4 of 4 repositories
  • robotmoose Public

    RobotMoose is our web-centric robotics infrastructure: SuperStar web server, Tabula Rasa backend and configurable Arduino firmware, and web front end.

    C++ 9 4 41 1 Updated May 21, 2024
  • hardware Public

    This is our robotics CAD/CAM files, photos, firmware, and hardware development documents and notes.

    C 3 0 1 1 Updated Apr 16, 2020
  • archive Public

    You should now use either robotmoose/robotmoose (robot control software) or robotmoose/hardware (CAD/CAM files, testing firmware, etc). This is the single large pre summer 2016 version of our repository, now split up to save space.

    Eagle 0 0 0 0 Updated Jul 6, 2016
  • stable_windows Public

    RobotMoose stable software, Windows versions

    0 0 0 0 Updated Sep 16, 2015