These are my tweaks for the Janus Vim distribution.
First, install Janus
git clone git:// ~/.janus
cd ~/.janus
git submodule update --init --recursive
ln -s ~/.janus/vimrc.after ~/.vimrc.after
ln -s ~/.janus/gvimrc.after ~/.gvimrc.after
For powerline (on OS X):
brew install ctags-exuberant
For flake8 (super nice python syntax checking):
pip install flake8
For rubocop (super nice ruby style checking):
gem install rubocop
For find all in project:
brew install ack
For jscs (javascript style checking):
npm install -g jscs
For jsonlint (JSON style checking):
npm install -g jsonlint
Find powerline-enabled fonts here.
Currently using Meslo.
To use my flake8 config, create a symlink as follows:
cd ~/.config/
ln -s ~/.janus/config/flake8