A lightweight distributed vector search engine based on Vald codebase.
- works without Kubernetes
- single binary (less than 30MB)
- easy to run (can be configured by command-line options)
- consists of Agent and Server
- alvd has almost same features that Vald's gateway-lb + discoverer and agent-ngt have.
alvd is highly inspired by k3s project.
Vald is an awesome highly scalable distributed vector search engine works on Kubernetes. It has great features such as file-based backup, metrics-based ordering of Agents. Also Vald is highly configurable using YAML files.
However it requires
- Kubernetes APIs to discover Vald Agents
- knowledge of operating Kubernetes
- knowledge of tuning a lot of complicated parameters
it is a little difficult for the users.
In this project, we eliminated several features of Vald such as (meta, backup manager, index manager, etc...) and just focused on Vald's gateway-lb and agent-ngt. By using rancher/remotedialer, Vald's discoverer feature is not needed anymore. Also we eliminated advanced options and adopt command-line options for configuring the application behavior instead of YAML files.
As stated above, alvd is focused on "easy to use", "Kubernetes-less" and "less components".
- Get the latest build from Release page and unzip it.
- Run alvd Server.
alvd Server's websocket server starts on and alvd Server's gRPC API starts on Also, alvd Agent's gRPC API starts on (alvd Agent process on the Server can be disabled using
$ ./alvd server 2020-12-18 19:18:27 [INFO]: start alvd server 2020-12-18 19:18:27 [INFO]: metrics server starting on 2020-12-18 19:18:27 [INFO]: websocket server starting on 2020-12-18 19:18:27 [INFO]: gateway gRPC API starting on INFO[0000] Connecting to proxy url="ws://" 2020-12-18 19:18:27 [INFO]: agent gRPC API starting on INFO[0000] Handling backend connection request [7q6ai4gbve83spij0s4g] 2020-12-18 19:18:27 [INFO]: connected to:
option). - Run alvd Agent on a different node (or a different terminal on the same node with
and--grpc-port 8082
option).$ ./alvd agent --server host-of-server-node:8000 $ # ./alvd agent --server --grpc-port 8082 --metrics-port=9091 2020-12-18 19:20:15 [INFO]: start alvd agent 2020-12-18 19:20:15 [INFO]: metrics server starting on INFO[0000] Connecting to proxy url="ws://host-of-server-node:8000/connect" 2020-12-18 19:20:15 [INFO]: agent gRPC API starting on 2020-12-18 19:20:15 [INFO]: connected to: host-of-server-node:8000
- Add more alvd Agents on the other nodes (or the other ports on the same node).
$ ./alvd agent --server host-of-server-node:8000 $ # ./alvd agent --server --grpc-port 808{3,4,5} --metrics-port=909{2,3,4}
- Now we can access the alvd Server's gRPC API (
) using Vald v1 clients. If you don't have one, you can use valdcli (this CLI is built for linux-amd64 and macos-amd64).$ # insert 100 vectors (dimension: 784) with random IDs $ valdcli rand-vecs -d 784 -n 100 --with-ids | valdcli -h host-of-server-node -p 8080 stream-insert $ # search a random vector $ valdcli rand-vec -d 784 | valdcli -h host-of-server-node -p 8080 search
On Release page, alvd binaries for amd64 Linux machines are available.
- alvd-linux-amd64.zip doesn't use AVX instructions.
- alvd-linux-amd64-avx2.zip uses AVX2 instuctions for distance calculations. It is faster.
Docker images are available on GitHub Package Registries and DockerHub.
The images tagged by noavx
are built for amd64, arm64 and armv7 architectures.
images are only available for amd64 architectures.
There's an example docker-compose.yml
in this repository.
Try to run it with a command:
$ docker-compose up
Starting alvd-agent-2 ... done
Starting alvd-agent-1 ... done
Starting alvd-agent-3 ... done
Starting alvd-server ... done
Attaching to alvd-agent-2, alvd-agent-3, alvd-agent-1, alvd-server
alvd-agent-1 | 2021-04-30 02:33:36 [INFO]: start alvd agent
alvd-agent-1 | 2021-04-30 02:33:36 [INFO]: metrics server starting on
alvd-agent-2 | 2021-04-30 02:33:35 [INFO]: start alvd agent
alvd-agent-2 | 2021-04-30 02:33:35 [INFO]: metrics server starting on
alvd-agent-2 | 2021-04-30 02:33:35 [INFO]: agent gRPC API starting on
alvd-server | 2021-04-30 02:33:36 [INFO]: gateway gRPC API starting on
Then 1 Server + 3 Agents will run on your Docker environment. We can access to the alvd Server's gRPC API on 8080 using Vald v1 clients.
$ # insert 100 vectors (dimension: 784) with random IDs
$ valdcli rand-vecs -d 784 -n 100 --with-ids | valdcli -h localhost -p 8080 stream-insert
$ # search a random vector
$ valdcli rand-vec -d 784 | valdcli -h localhost -p 8080 search
The metrics APIs are exported on 9090-9093 ports. We can access them using curl.
$ curl http://localhost:9090/metrics
$ curl http://localhost:9091/metrics
In the docker-compose.yml
file, there're definitions of Prometheus and Grafana services. If they are enabled, a metrics dashboard can be displayed on your machine. (http://localhost:3000)
There are example manifests in k8s directory.
$ # create new namespace
$ kubectl create ns alvd
$ # change current namespace
$ kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=alvd
$ # deploy Servers
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/server.yaml
$ # after Servers become ready, deploy Agents
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/agent.yaml
Instead of using command-line flags, alvd can be configured by using a Lua based config file. Thare's an example Lua file at examples/config/config.lua.
$ ./alvd server --config=examples/config/config.lua
alvd has interceptor features (filtering, sorting, translating, etc...) that is extensible by using Lua scripts.
To enable them, run alvd server by passing a path to the Lua scripts.
$ ./alvd server --config=examples/interceptors/sort.lua
There're various types of examples of interceptors are available in examples/interceptors directory and examples/config/config.lua.
This feature is powered by yuin/gopher-lua and vadv/gopher-lua-libs.
- Agent uses NGT service package of Vald Agent NGT.
- uses Vald v1 API on master branch (https://github.com/vdaas/vald/tree/master/apis/proto/v1).
- Server has APIs in https://github.com/vdaas/vald/tree/master/apis/proto/v1/vald
- Unary APIs and Streaming APIs are supported.
- MultiXXX APIs are not supported.
- Agent has APIs in https://github.com/vdaas/vald/tree/master/apis/proto/v1/vald and https://github.com/vdaas/vald/tree/master/apis/proto/v1/agent/core.
- Unary APIs and Streaming APIs are supported.
- MultiXXX APIs are not supported.
- Server has APIs in https://github.com/vdaas/vald/tree/master/apis/proto/v1/vald
- Currently, high-availability (HA) cluster is partly supported.
- Only static IP multiple Servers (+ multiple Agents) can build an alvd HA cluster.
- Agents cannot resolve dynamic IPs of Servers.
- In the near future, HA cluster will be fully supported.
- Only static IP multiple Servers (+ multiple Agents) can build an alvd HA cluster.
$ make cmd/alvd/alvd
Same as Vald, alvd is distributed under Apache 2.0 license. (Partially distributed under Mozilla Public License 2.0)
alvd depends on Vald codebase, the files came from Vald (such as internal
, pkg/vald
. They are downloaded when running make
command.) are excluded from my license and ownership.
This is not an official project of Vald. This project is an artifact of 20% project of Vald team.