- The project will no longer be supported, please use other alternatives instead.
- 该项目不再受支持,建议使用其它替代品
A powerful V2Ray config generator
You can use use vmess ping instead of ICMP ping
[ 0] Server A [451ms (0 errors)]
[ 1] Server B [452ms (0 errors)]
[ 3] Server C [251ms (0 errors)]
[25] Server Z [652ms (2 errors)]
Please Select:
git clone https://github.com/iochen/v2gen/ && cd v2gen
env GOPRIVATE=github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core go build ./cmd/v2gen
or Download in GitHub Releases
v2gen -u {{Your subscription link}} -o {{Your V2Ray config path}}
Usage of ./v2gen:
use best node judged by ping result
-c int
ping count for each node (default 3)
-config string
v2gen config path (default "/etc/v2ray/v2gen.ini")
-dst string
test destination url (vmess ping only) (default "https://cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace")
init v2gen config (specify certain path with -config)
-log string
log output file (default "-")
-loglevel string
log level (default "warn")
-o string
output path (default "/etc/v2ray/config.json")
ping nodes (default true)
read from pipe (default true)
random node index
-template string
V2Ray template path
-thread int
threads used when pinging (default 3)
-u string
subscription address(URL)
-v show version
You can use v2gen --init
to generate one
# V2Ray log level
# ( debug | info | warning | error | none )
loglevel: warning
# Socks port
socksPort: 1080
# Http port
httpPort: 1081
# If allow UDP traffic
# ( true | false )
udp: true
# Security
# ( aes-128-gcm | aes-256-gcm | chacha20-poly1305 | auto | none )
security: aes-256-gcm
# If enable mux
# ( true | false )
mux: true
# Mux concurrency num
concurrency: 8
# DNS server
dns2: https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query
# If China sites and ips directly connect
# ( true | false )
china: true
The following config may NOT work on every node
# If allow insecure connection ( true | false )
allowInsecure: false
# KCP mtu num
mtu: 1350
# KCP tti num
tti: 20
# KCP max upload speed
# Unit: MB/s
up: 5
# KCP max download speed
# Unit: MB/s
down: 20
# If enable UDP congestion control ( true | false )
congestion: false
# Read buffer size
# Unit: MB
readBufferSize: 1
# Write buffer size
# Unit: MB
writeBufferSize: 1