Emergency web server
For those occasions when your webserver is down and you want to display a quick maintainance note. Or just want to quickly demo a static site. Or whatever :)
It can take a directory, a file or directly the body string. The -proxy
flag can be useful when used as a development server.
❯ spark -h
Usage of spark:
-address string
Listening address (default "")
-cert string
SSL certificate path (default "cert.pem")
-contentType string
Set response Content-Type
-corsHeaders string
Allowed CORS headers (default "Content-Type, Authorization, X-Requested-With")
-corsMethods string
Allowd CORS methods (default "POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE")
-corsOrigin string
Allow CORS request from this origin (can be '*')
-deny string
Sensitive directory or file patterns to be denied when serving directory (comma separated)
-key string
SSL private Key path (default "key.pem")
-path string
URL path (default "/")
-port string
Listening port (default "8080")
-proxy string
URL prefixes to be proxied to another server e.g. /api=>http://localhost:3000 will forward all requests starting with /api to http://localhost:3000 (comma separated)
-sslPort string
SSL listening port (default "10433")
-status int
Returned HTTP status code (default 200)
- from source
go get github.com/rif/spark
- static binaries (linux/arm/osx/windows): Binary downloads
$ spark message.html
$ spark "<h1>Out of order</h1><p>Working on it...</p>"
$ spark static_site/
$ spark -port 80 -sslPort 443 "<h1>Ooops!</h1>"
$ spark -deny ".git*,LICENSE" ~/go/rif/spark
$ spark -proxy "/api=>http://localhost:9090/api" .
$ spark -port 9000 -corsOrigin "https://www.mydomain.com" -contentType "application/json" '{"message":"Hello"}'
To quickly generate a ssl certificate run:
go run $GOROOT/src/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go --host="localhost"