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Remedying the pain of command line editing since 2014
Suplemon is a modern, powerful and intuitive console text editor with multi cursor support. Suplemon replicates Sublime Text style functionality in the terminal with the ease of use of Nano. http://github.com/richrd/suplemon
- Proper multi cursor editing, as in Sublime Text
- Syntax highlighting with Text Mate themes
- Autocomplete (based on words in the files that are open)
- Easy Undo/Redo (Ctrl + Z, Ctrl + Y)
- Copy & Paste, with multi line support (and native clipboard support on X11 / Unix and Mac OS)
- Multiple files in tabs
- Powerful Go To feature for jumping to files and lines
- Find, Find next and Find all (Ctrl + F, Ctrl + D, Ctrl + A)
- Custom keyboard shortcuts (and easy-to-use defaults)
- Mouse support
- Restores cursor and scroll positions when reopenning files
- Extensions (easy to write your own)
- Lots more...
- Currently no built in selections (regions). To copy part of a line select it with your mouse and use Ctrl + Shift + C
You can just clone the repo, and try Suplemon, or also install it system wide.
To run from source you need to install the python wcwidth
pip3 install wcwidth
git clone https://github.com/richrd/suplemon.git
cd suplemon
python3 suplemon.py
Install the latest version from PIP:
sudo pip3 install suplemon
To install Suplemon from the repo run the setup script:
sudo python3 setup.py install
suplemon # New file in the current directory
suplemon [filename]... # Open one or more files
suplemon [filename:row:col]... # Open one or more files at a specific row or column (optional)
- Must use Python 3.3 or higher for proper character encoding support.
- Python2.7 (and maybe lower) versions work, but aren't officially supported (some special characters won't work etc).
- The master branch is considered stable.
- Tested on Unix.
No dependencies outside the Python Standard Library required.
- Pygments
For support for syntax highlighting over 300 languages.
- Flake8
For showing linting for Python files.
- xsel or xclip
For system clipboard support on X Window (Linux).
- pbcopy / pbpaste
For system clipboard support on Mac OS.
See docs/optional-dependencies.md for installation instructions.
Suplemon is an intuitive command line text editor. It supports multiple cursors out of the box.
It is as easy as nano, and has much of the power of Sublime Text. It also supports extensions
to allow all kinds of customizations. To get more help hit Ctrl + H
in the editor.
Suplemon is licensed under the MIT license.
The suplemon config file is stored at ~/.config/suplemon/suplemon-config.json
The best way to edit it is to run the config
command (Run commands via Ctrl+E
That way Suplemon will automatically reload the configuration when you save the file.
To view the default configuration and see what options are available run config defaults
via Ctrl+E
Below are the default key mappings used in suplemon. They can be edited by running the keymap
To view the default keymap file run keymap default
Ctrl + Q
Ctrl + W
Close file or tab
Ctrl + C
Copy line(s) to buffer
Ctrl + X
Cut line(s) to buffer
Ctrl + V
Insert buffer
Ctrl + K
Duplicate line
Ctrl + G
Go to line number or file (type the beginning of a filename to switch to it). You can also use 'filena:42' to go to line 42 in filename.py etc.
Ctrl + F
Search for a string or regular expression (configurable)
Ctrl + D
Search for next occurrence or find the word the cursor is on. Adds a new cursor at each new occurrence.
Ctrl + T
Trim whitespace
Alt + Arrow Key
Add new cursor in arrow direction
Ctrl + Left / Right
Jump to previous or next word or line
Revert to a single cursor / Cancel input prompt
Alt + Page Up
Move line(s) up
Alt + Page Down
Move line(s) down
Ctrl + S
Save current file
Save file with new name
Reload current file
Ctrl + O
Open file
Ctrl + W
Close file
Ctrl + Page Up
Switch to next file
Ctrl + Page Down
Switch to previous file
Ctrl + E
Run a command.
Ctrl + Z and F5
Ctrl + Y and F6
Toggle visible whitespace
Toggle mouse mode
Toggle line numbers
Toggle full screen
Left Click
Set cursor at mouse position. Reverts to a single cursor.
Right Click
Add a cursor at mouse position.
Scroll Wheel Up / Down
Scroll up & down.
Suplemon has various add-ons that implement extra features. The commands can be run with Ctrl + E and the prompt has autocomplete to make running them faster. The available commands and their descriptions are:
A simple autocompletion module.
This adds autocomplete support for the tab key. It uses a word list scanned from all open files for completions. By default it suggests the shortest possible match. If there are no matches, the tab action is run normally.
Simple module for adding docstring placeholders.
This module is intended to generate docstrings for Python functions. It adds placeholders for descriptions, arguments and return data. Function arguments are crudely parsed from the function definition and return statements are scanned from the function body.
Bulk delete lines and characters. Asks what direction to delete in by default.
Add 'up' to delete lines above highest cursor. Add 'down' to delete lines below lowest cursor. Add 'left' to delete characters to the left of all cursors. Add 'right' to delete characters to the right of all cursors.
Toggle line commenting based on current file syntax.
Shortcut for openning the config files.
Encrypt or decrypt the current buffer. Lets you provide a passphrase and optional salt for encryption. Uses AES for encryption and scrypt for key generation.
View a diff of the current file compared to it's on disk version.
Evaluate a python expression and show the result in the status bar.
If no expression is provided the current line(s) are evaluated and replaced with the evaluation result.
Shortcut to openning the keymap config file.
Linter for suplemon.
Transform current lines to lower case.
Trim whitespace from beginning of current lines.
Toggle paste mode (helpful when pasting over SSH if auto indent is enabled)
Reload all add-on modules.
Replace all occurrences in all files of given text with given replacement.
Reverse text on current line(s).
Trim whitespace from the end of lines.
Save the current file.
Save all currently open files. Asks for confirmation.
Sort current lines.
Sorts alphabetically by default. Add 'length' to sort by length. Add 'reverse' to reverse the sorting.
Trim whitespace from start and end of lines.
Convert tab characters to spaces in the entire file.
Toggle visually showing whitespace.
Transform current lines to upper case.
If you experience problems, please submit a new issue. If you have a question, need help, or just want to chat head over to the IRC channel #suplemon @ Freenode. I'll be happy to chat with you, see you there!
If you are interested in contributing to Suplemon, development dependencies can be installed via:
# For OS cleanliness, we recommend using `virtualenv` to prevent global contamination
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
After those are installed, tests can be run via:
PRs are very welcome and appreciated.
When making PRs make sure to set the target branch to dev
. I only push to master when releasing new versions.
For many the command line is a different environment for text editing. Most coders are familiar with GUI text editors and for many vi and emacs have a too steep learning curve. For them (like for me) nano was the weapon of choice. But nano feels clunky and it has its limitations. That's why I wrote my own editor with built in multi cursor support to fix the situation. Another reason is that developing Suplemon is simply fun to do.