Hellenic Open University's PLH10 compiler on Linux : hou-compiler-linux
"blog" : "https://blog.simplecode.gr",
"bookmarks" : "https://blog.simplecode.gr/?cat=3"
Hellenic Open University's PLH10 compiler on Linux : hou-compiler-linux
"blog" : "https://blog.simplecode.gr",
"bookmarks" : "https://blog.simplecode.gr/?cat=3"
Promoting Folding@Home through gitification
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Ever wondered what the first web server and the first website looked like running, right on your own computer ? (Docker + C Patches)
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Easy Random : A Collatz Conjecture sequence is just as challenging to compress as a random sequence but way more efficient to generate
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Algorithms written using a classical CPU and a GPU approach
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x26 (and more) faster at factoring and easier to divide numbers
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