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Protobuf Language Server

pbls is a Language Server for protobuf.

pbls was originally hosted at, but was moved to ease contribution. The sourcehut repo is maintained as a mirror.


  • Diagnostics (from protoc)
  • Goto Definition (for fields and imports)
  • Document/Workspace Symbols
  • Completion (keywords, imports, types, and options)
  • Find References


Ensure protoc is on your $PATH.


cargo install --git

Ensure the cargo binary path (usually ~/.cargo/bin) is on $PATH. Finally, configure pbls in your editor.


Create a file named ".pbls.toml" at your workspace root, and specify the proto import paths that are passed to the -I/--proto_path flag of protoc. These can be absolute, or local to the workspace. Make sure to include the "well known" types ("google/protobuf/*.proto"). This is often "/usr/include" on a unix system.

proto_paths=["some/workspace/path", "/usr/include"]

If this is omitted, pbls will make a best-effort attempt to add local include paths. In general, prefer explicitly specifying paths.


Set the environment variable RUST_LOG to one of ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE. See env_logger for more details.

Editor Setup

This assumes that pbls and protoc are on your $PATH.


# ~/.config/helix/languages.toml

command = "pbls"

name = "protobuf"
language-servers = ['pbls']
# Unrelated to pbls, you may want to use clang-format as a formatter
formatter = { command = "clang-format" , args = ["--assume-filename=a.proto"]}

You can also enable pbls in other languages, allowing you to search for protobuf messages without having a protobuf file open:

# ~/.config/helix/languages.toml

# Search for protobuf symbols in C++ files using <space>S
name = "cpp"
language-servers = [ "clangd", { name = "pbls", only-features = ["workspace-symbols"] } ]

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