I am a physicist interested in time-series analysis, mathematical epidemiology, data science for epidemiology, and the impacts of climate change on epidemics. I'm very active on BlueSky
I hold a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics - IFT (in Portuguese) of the State University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. After defending my Ph.D. I become a postdoctoral researcher at All for Health Institute, a newly founded institute to help and build capacity in Brazil on curbing and mitigating the effects of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. I am currently a postdoctoral associate researcher at Grubaugh Lab and Carlson Lab, modeling climate change impact in infectious diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika while doing health attribution.
My thesis title is "Dengue dynamics under climate drivers: Analysis with ecological and epidemiological frameworks", an analysis and data analysis of how temperature and precipitation have affected the dynamics of Dengue in Brazil over 10 years, 2010-2019. To know more, please, visit the thesis website here.
During the pandemic, together with collaborators, we founded a civil society and scientific research group to bring to the public debate the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil analysis and news. Our site is covid19br.github.io and our institutional profile github.com/covid19br in github. We had active profiles on all social media, all are @obscovid19br. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
I do Science communication, mainly in Portuguese: