Condex is a console based crypto currency Index Fund Management centered around bittrex. It is designed to easily manage the allocation and rebalancing of your index fund.
Check out our {Wiki}[] for more detailed information and instructions on getting started.
LTC Address
Raynaldo (R4stl1n) Rivera: LbAVtQeSQFQ3bBDNCQVBrqaEMwGt5jf9Uh
Michael (notnight) Pierson: LP11dCTqrbyAjn7z4N5R4fAdjy6QGYd9xy
Brian Cribbs (cribbstechnologies): LLZbWVxKjcpfQYjfZmVyf4kdvtPVtkBzZi
Daniel Chun (chunderstruck): LbbgnNmTQP4dGAMGYWZpJA5R84a7WmiN6u