Language-level support for automatic parallelism and lazy evaluation.
require 'pure' geometry = Pure.define do def area(width, height) width*height end def width(border) 7 + border end def height(border) 5 + border end def border 2 end end # Compute the area using 3 parallel threads. puts geometry.compute(3).area # => 63 # We've done this computation. puts((7 + 2)*(5 + 2)) # => 63
% gem install pure
Or from the (non-gem) .tgz package,
% rake install
Pure imports aspects of the pure functional paradigm into Ruby.
Method and argument names have literal meaning within a Pure.define
block. In the above example, the width
argument to area
corresponds, by its literal name, to the width
Pure does not modify any of the standard classes.
Pure has been tested on MRI 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, and jruby-1.4.
Feature Requests, Bug Reports:
Manual Download:
returns a Module instance, called a pure module. The methods of a pure module are called pure functions.
The pseudo-keyword pure
, an alias of Pure.define, is included in the global scope with require 'pure/dsl'
. It is also made available by including Pure::DSL into a class or module.
An options hash given to compute
is used for overriding functions in the pure module. If the name of a function matches a hash key, the function will be replaced with the corresponding hash value.
require 'pure/dsl' greet = pure do def hello(name) "Hello, #{name}." end def name "Bob" end end puts greet.compute(9).hello # => Hello, Bob. puts greet.compute(9, :name => "Ralph").hello # => Hello, Ralph. puts greet.compute(9, :hello => "Good evening.").hello # => Good evening.
The num_parallel argument to compute() may be omitted, in which case the num_parallel determination falls to Pure.worker
, an object described later in this document.
require 'pure/dsl' Pure.worker.num_parallel = 2 result = pure do def f(x, y) x + y end def x 33 end end.compute(:y => 44) # compute with 2 parallel threads puts result.f # => 77
When no block is given to compute
, it returns a delegate for the computation. The computation results are stored in the lazily-evaluated attributes of the delegate. A computation is performed only when an attribute is requested, and an attribute is never recomputed.
When compute
is given a block, the delegate is passed to the block and the return value of compute
is the result of the block.
require 'pure/dsl' geometry = pure do def area(width, height) width*height end def width(border) 7 + border end def height(border) 5 + border end end area = geometry.compute :border => 2 do |result| puts result.border # => 2 puts result[:border] # => 2 puts result.width # => 9 puts result.height # => 7 result.area end puts area # => 63
Function results may also be accessed with []
, as shown in result[:border]
Pure modules are regular Module instances. They may be combined freely with include
require 'pure/dsl' greet = pure do def hello(name) "Hello, #{name}." end end ralph = pure do include greet def name "Ralph" end end puts ralph.compute.hello # => Hello, Ralph.
The pseudo-keyword fun
is provided for defining a pure function whose name or arguments are unknown at compile time.
require 'pure/dsl' geometry = pure do fun :area => [:width, :height] do |w, h| w*h end def width 4 end fun :height do 5 end end puts geometry.compute.area # => 20
Or more realistically,
require 'pure/dsl' file_stats = pure do files = Dir["*"] files.each { |file| fun file do File.stat(fun_name.to_s) end } fun :total_size => files do |*stats| stats.inject(0) { |acc, stat| acc + stat.size } end end file_stats.compute { |result| puts result["Rakefile"].size # => 505 puts result.total_size # => 39355 }
The left of side =>
is the function name. The right side is an array containing the names of the function arguments. The values of the function arguments are passed to the block.
The next section explains the fun_name
call in this example.
Inside a pure function, fun_name
gives the name of the function and arg_names
gives the names of its arguments. In the previous example above,
files.each { |file| fun file do File.stat(fun_name.to_s) end }
Here, fun_name.to_s
is exactly the same as file
. So why not call File.stat(file)
? Pure functions are extracted from their surrounding context and must therefore use function arguments as the sole means of communication. In this case File.stat(file)
references file
which lies outside the function definition.
The above is strictly not necessary when the default worker (explained later) is used, however the best strategy is to ignore this detail.
The convenience method fun_map
defines an anonymous pure function which is applied to each element of a given enumerable.
require 'pure/dsl' numbers = pure do fun_map :squares => [3, 4, 5] do |n| n*n end end p numbers.compute.squares # => [9, 16, 25]
The example from the “Dynamic Names” section is more easily written with fun_map
require 'pure/dsl' file_stats = pure do fun_map :stats => Dir["*"] do |file| File.stat(file) end def total_size(stats) stats.inject(0) { |acc, stat| acc + stat.size } end end puts file_stats.compute(3).total_size # => 39355
Since the grand scheme of Pure rests upon all functions and function arguments having a name, a pure function defined with def
cannot have a *splat
argument. Naturally this restriction does not apply to pure functions defined with fun
require 'pure/dsl' pure do def f(*args) # => raises Pure::SplatError end fun :g => [:x, :y] do |*args| # OK { |a| a**2 } end end
A block is never passed to a pure function (except if called manually, of course).
A pure function cannot have default arguments.
A pure function should not reference variables declared outside the function definition.
The user should have a basic understanding of functional programming (see for example and the meaning of side effects.
Every pure function you define must explicitly depend on the data it uses.
# # BAD example: depending on state DATA.value # geometry = pure do def area(width, height) width*height - DATA.value end end
Unless offset DATA.value
is really a constant, the computation result is in general not well-defined.
Just as depending on some changeable state is bad, it is likewise bad to affect a state (to produce a side effect).
# # BAD example: affecting state # geometry = pure do def area(width, height) ACCUMULATOR.add "more data" width*height end end
Given a pure computation where functions are modifying ACCUMULATOR
, the end state of ACCUMULATOR
is not well-defined, even if the methods of ACCUMULATOR
are thread-safe.
Languages which are purely functional (e.g. Haskell) employ special constructs (e.g. monads) for dealing with side-effects. This project is roughly analogous to the converse with respect to Ruby.
Haskell code is pure (non-side-effecting) by default, with non-pure operations being stuffed into monads. Ruby code is non-pure (side-effecting) by default, with pure code being stuffed into pure
Pure has two main goals:
Parallelize system-intensive code, e.g. system() calls.
Provide a framework for parallelizing Ruby code across an arbitrary number of cores/machines.
Due to the global VM lock in Ruby 1.9, the actual execution of Ruby VM instructions is not parallelized. However when a Ruby thread is blocking during a system call, other threads will be executed. Contrariwise in Ruby 1.8 the whole interpreter is blocked during a system call.
The next section addresses the second point above.
Pure uses a parser plugin to extract the def
and fun
definitions inside a pure module. Three parsers are bundled with Pure,
Pure::Parser::Internal –
require 'pure/parser/internal'
– ruby-1.9.2 only -
Pure::Parser::Ripper –
require 'pure/parser/ripper'
– ruby-1.9 only -
Pure::Parser::RubyParser –
require 'pure/parser/ruby_parser'
– any ruby
The default is tried in that order.
The current parser may be changed via the Pure.parser
attribute. A pure module is tied to a parser when the module is created.
The only requirement for a parser plugin is to properly implement an extract() method.
A worker plugin is a class which defines what happens when a pure function is triggered to execute. A worker instance is tied to the computation delegate returned by compute().
The default worker looks like this:
module Pure class NativeWorker attr_reader :num_parallel def define_function_begin(pure_module, num_parallel) @num_parallel = num_parallel || self.class.num_parallel @class = Names do include pure_module end end def define_function(spec) lambda { |*args|[:name], spec[:args]).send(spec[:name], *args) } end def define_function_end end class << self attr_accessor :num_parallel end @num_parallel = 1 end end
The following example illustrates the internals.
require 'pure/dsl' require 'pure/parser/ruby_parser' class FakeWorker # # This method is called for each pure function in the pure module. # # Returns a lambda which computes the function described by spec. # # For this fake worker, we just return the function info. # def define_function(spec) lambda { |*args| [spec, args] } end # # Called before all define_function calls. # # pure_module is the receiver of compute(). # # num_parallel is the hint passed to compute(), or nil if no # hint was given. A worker is free to ignore it, as we do here. # def define_function_begin(pure_module, num_parallel) end # # Called after all define_function calls. # def define_function_end end # # When a computation begins, the parallelizing engine asks the # worker how many functions to run in parallel. # def num_parallel 2 end class << self # # A num_parallel hint for this worker. A worker is free to # ignore this as well. # attr_accessor :num_parallel end end adder = pure(Pure::Parser::RubyParser) do def add(left, right) left + right end end require 'pp' pp adder.compute(FakeWorker, :left => 33, :right => 44).add #### output: [{:name=>:add, :args=>[:left, :right], :code=> s(:defn, :add, s(:args, :left, :right), s(:scope, s(:block, s(:call, s(:lvar, :left), :+, s(:arglist, s(:lvar, :right)))))), :splat=>false, :default=>false, :file=>"fake_worker.rb", :line=>29, :origin=>:def, :parser=>"Pure::Parser::RubyParser"}, [33, 44]]
Note the Pure::Parser::Internal parser will not generate a :code
entry, as it just calls Method#parameters and does no parsing.
A compiler converts a function spec (the hash in the previous output) into a callable Ruby object.
With the addition of a compiler, we have all the components necessary for distributing computations. A function definition and its inputs may be reconstructed on another Ruby interpreter.
require 'pure/dsl' require 'pure/parser/ruby_parser' require 'pure/compiler/ruby_parser' class ExternalWorker def initialize @compiler = end def define_function(spec) lambda { |*args| @compiler.evaluate_function(spec, *args) } end def define_function_begin(pure_module, num_parallel) end def define_function_end end def num_parallel 2 end class << self attr_accessor :num_parallel end end pure(Pure::Parser::RubyParser) do def add(left, right) left + right end end.compute(ExternalWorker, :left => 33, :right => 44) do |result| puts result.add # => 77 end
See for an example of a multi-core/multi-machine worker plugin for Pure.
Pure::Compiler::RubyParser uses RubyParser and Ruby2Ruby together with a code transformer (for instantiating fun
definitions) to compile a function spec.
James M. Lawrence <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2009 James M. Lawrence. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.