This is a stillborn project.
If you are looking for BEM-based rendering library for php you should take a look bem/bh composer package or just use bem-proxy
between your php-fpm
and nginx
servers to render pages on the fly.
Don't waste your time with v8js+php. 🌴
BEM render library usign v8js extension (
Based on
That class requires on php5.3+ and v8js extension. Also it needs nodejs0.8+.
$ sudo pecl install v8js-0.1.3
You can try newer version but I was stopped on 0.1.3 at the moment.
When you finished you can verify your new extension installation:
$ php -m |grep v8js
Clone repository to some place on your pc and prepare bem to use:
cd ~/repos
git clone git:// -b examples
cd php-bem
pushd .; cd bem-bl-example/www; npm i; make; popd
Done. Let's try it now!
php phpbem/test.php
If you don't see some output please contact me with issues ^_^
// include class
require "./phpbem.php";
use \bem\bemhtml;
// and use it like that:
$bem = new bemhtml($rootpath, $options = array());
$bem->page($pathToBlock)->render($context, array $env, string $entrypoint = 'render', $json = false);
// or like that:
$bem = new bemhtml($rootpath, $options = array());
$bem->page($pathToBlock, [$block.'.'.$tech.'.js']);
$bemjson = $bem->json(array $context, array $env, 'render');
echo $bem->render($bemjson);