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🏝️ Ollama Automated Security Intelligence Scanner


🛡️ An AI-powered security auditing tool that leverages Ollama models to detect and analyze potential security vulnerabilities in your code.

Advanced code security analysis through the power of AI

🌟 Features

  • 🔍 Multi-Model Analysis: Leverage multiple Ollama models for comprehensive security scanning
  • 💾 Smart Caching: Efficient embedding caching system for faster repeated analyses
  • 📊 Rich Reporting: Detailed reports in multiple formats (Markdown, PDF, HTML)
  • 🔄 Parallel Processing: Optimized performance through parallel vulnerability analysis
  • 📝 Executive Summaries: Clear overview of all detected vulnerabilities
  • 🎯 Customizable Scans: Support for specific vulnerability types and file extensions
  • 📈 Distribution Analysis: Advanced audit mode for embedding distribution analysis
  • 🔄 Content Chunking: Intelligent content splitting for better analysis of large files
  • 🤖 Interactive Model Installation: Guided installation for required Ollama models

🚀 Prerequisites

  • Python 3.9+
  • Ollama installed and running
  • pipx (for isolated installation)
    # On macOS
    brew install pipx
    pipx ensurepath
    # On Ubuntu/Debian
    python3 -m pip install --user pipx
    python3 -m pipx ensurepath
    # On Windows (with pip)
    pip install --user pipx
    python -m pipx ensurepath

📦 Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd oasis
  1. Install with pipx:
# First time installation
pipx install --editable .

🔄 Update

If new releases are available, you can update the installation with:

pipx upgrade oasis

Between releases, you can update the installation with:

git pull origin master

note: because of the editable installation, you just need to pull the latest changes from the repository.

🗑️ Uninstallation

pipx uninstall oasis

🔧 Usage

Basic usage:

oasis --input-path [path_to_analyze]

🚀 Quick Test

To quickly test OASIS with sample files:

# Clone and install
git clone
cd oasis
pipx install --editable .

# Run analysis on test files
oasis --input-path test_files/

This will analyze the provided test files and generate security reports in the parent directory of the folder to analyze, security_reports.

Advanced options:

oasis --input-path [path_to_analyze] \
      --cache-days 7 \
      --threshold 0.5 \
      --vulns xss,sqli,rce \
      --embed-model nomic-embed-text \
      --models llama2,codellama \
      --chunk-size 2048

🎮 Command Line Arguments

  • --input_path -i: Path to file, directory, or .txt file containing newline-separated paths to analyze
  • --cache-days -cd: Maximum cache age in days (default: 7)
  • --threshold -t: Similarity threshold (default: 0.4)
  • --vulns -v: Vulnerability types to check (comma-separated or 'all')
  • --output-format -of: Output format [pdf, html, markdown] (default: all)
  • --debug -d: Enable debug mode
  • --silent -s: Disable all output messages
  • --embed-model -em: Model to use for embeddings
  • --models -m: Comma-separated list of models to use
  • --list-models -lm: List available models and exit
  • --extensions -x: Custom file extensions to analyze
  • --clear-cache -cc: Clear embeddings cache before starting
  • --audit -a: Run embedding distribution analysis
  • --chunk-size -ch: Maximum chunk size for splitting content (default: auto-detect)
  • --ollama-url -ol: Ollama URL (default: http://localhost:11434)

🛡️ Supported Vulnerability Types

Tag Description
sqli SQL Injection
xss Cross-Site Scripting
input Insufficient Input Validation
data Sensitive Data Exposure
session Session Management Issues
config Security Misconfiguration
logging Sensitive Data Logging
crypto Insecure Cryptographic Function Usage
rce Remote Code Execution
ssrf Server-Side Request Forgery
xxe XML External Entity
path Path Traversal
idor Insecure Direct Object Reference
auth Authentication Issues
csrf Cross-Site Request Forgery

📁 Output Structure

├── [model_name]/
│   ├── markdown/
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── pdf/
│   │   ├── vulnerability_type.pdf
│   │   └── executive_summary.pdf
│   └── html/
│       ├── vulnerability_type.html
│       └── executive_summary.html

💾 Cache Management

The tool maintains a cache of embeddings to improve performance:

  • Default cache duration: 7 days
  • Cache location (inside the folder to analyze): .oasis_cache/[folder_to_analyze]_[model_name]_[model_tag].cache
  • Use --clear-cache -cc to force a fresh analysis

📊 Audit Mode

Run OASIS in audit mode to analyze embedding distributions:

oasis --input-path [path_to_analyze] --audit

This mode helps you understand how different vulnerability types are distributed across your codebase.

📝 Changelog

See for the latest updates and changes.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. Check out our Contributing Guidelines for more details.

Alternatively, you can also contribute by reporting issues or suggesting features.

Come and join our Discord server to discuss the project.

📄 License

GPL v3 - feel free to use this project for your security needs.

🙏 Acknowledgments

  • Built with Ollama
  • Uses WeasyPrint for PDF generation
  • Uses Jinja2 for report templating
  • Special thanks to all contributors and the open-source community

📫 Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions, come asking help on our Discord server or please file an issue.