is an Arduino-based RFID payment system for coffeemakers with toptronic logic unit, as Jura Impressa S95 and others without modifying the coffeemaker itself.
Based on Oliver Krohns famous Coffeemaker-Payment-System at
Hardware used: Arduino Uno, 16x2 LCD I2C, pn532/mfrc522 rfid card reader (13.56MHz), HC-05 Bluetooth, male/female jumper wires (optional: ethernet shield, buzzer, button)
The code is provided 'as is', without any guarantuee. Use at your own risk!
The differences compared to the original in short:
- slightly different directory structure
- modfied pinout for connecting the hardware (see fritzing)
- pin 0/1, hw serial stays free for debugging/monitoring
- introduce service mode to toggle between coffeemaker and bluetooth
- switched to 13,56MHz RFID readers
- optional logging to an unix syslog host
- move payment data to eeprom (no global variables)
- be more chatty about what is going on
- add product list for Jura x7/Franke Saphira
- some small fixes in Android App
- a bunch of other small fixes and changes
- add sketch to setup Bluetooth dongle
You can find some more information in German at:
A reference for several included tools can be found here:
We've used the software with two different coffemakers: x95 and x7. The pinout we are using:
Jura 9-pin RS232 interface (e.g. Jura X7)
pin 1 - TX
pin 2 - GND
pin 3 - RX
pin 4 - +5v (never tried this pin)
pin 5 - not used
pin 6 - not used
pin 7 - not used
pin 8 - not used
pin 9 - not used
Jura 4-pin interface (e.g. Jura Impressa S95):
(from left to right)
pin 4 - +5V
pin 3 - RX
pin 2 - GND
pin 1 - TX