SIMU simulates a GWAS based on real genotype data.
This tool is a extension of gcta --simu-qt
and gcta --simu-cc
described here.
Additional features include
- simulation of two traits (
--num-traits 2
), with given genetic correlation (--rg
) - allow input genotypes to be split by chromosome (
) - efficient memory usage (most simulations require less than 2 GB of RAM; only
files are loaded into memory -.bed
files are read in small chunks as needed)
implements the same model as GCTA,
e.i. simple additive genetic model y=Gx+e
where y
is output phenotype, G
is genotype matrix, x
is vector of effect sizes, e
is environmental noise.
and GCTA
generate x
from normal distribution.
There is one important difference here.
, effect sizes are in the units of normalized genotypes, e.i. 0,1,2 genotypes divided by sqrt(2*p(1-p))
, where p is allele frequency.
, by default, effect sizes are in the units of additively coded 0,1,2 genotypes.
Thus, the default behavior of SIMU
is different from GCTA.
You may force SIMU
to use GCTA
model by specifying --gcta-sigma
In this case you may also want to use --norm-effect
flag to report effect sizes in the units of normalized genotypes.
is written in C++
and is available for Linux / Unix and MacOS, but not for Windows.
You may download pre-compiled SIMU binary from the Releases page of this repository.
To test type simu --help
, which should produce a list of available options.
You may also build SIMU
on your machine (see instructions further below).
To run SIMU
you need raw genotypes.
You may download demo data from mostest_demo.tar.gz
file from here, or a larger demo data from here.
We've also prepared a set of synthetic genotypes for 100K individuals
and ca. 11M markers.
It was produced by running hapgen2 software using EUR population from 1000 Genomes Phase 3 data as a reference (503 individuals). This set heavy and can be shared upon request.
If things didn't work, or if you have any suggestions, please submit a new issue. You pull requests are also very welcome!
reads genotypes from plink .bed
Output .pheno
file contains tab-separated table, with header,
followed by one row per individual in the same order as the input .fam
The table contains three or four columnes.
First two columns are family and individual indeitifier from .fam
the remaining one or two columns contain simulated phenotypes.
For case/control traits,
means unaffected (control),
means affected (case),
means missing phenotype.
Example of .pheno
file for quantitative trait (--qt
FID IID trait1
id1_0 id2_0 -0.841613
id1_1 id2_1 -0.0747612
id1_2 id2_2 -2.04002
Output .causals
file contains tab-separated file with effect sizes of causal variants.
It contains only markers with non-zero effect size, e.i. subset of variants from input .bim
First 5 columns contain information from .bim
(marker name or RS number),
(chromosome position),
(base-pair positino),
, A2
(reference and other allele).
The next column, FRQ
, contains frequency of A1
Subsequent columns contain effect size w.r.t. A1
, one column for each of the --num-component
Depending on --norm-effect
flag, effect sizes could be either in
units of additively coded 0,1,2 genotypes (default behavior), or
in units of normalized genotypes, e.i. 0,1,2 genotypes divided by sqrt(2*p(1-p))
, where p is allele frequency.
Example of .causals
rs72651487 1 19706089 A G 0.285715 -0.0335917
rs28631635 1 25728930 G T 0.432055 0.0603244
rs67388349 1 28722149 C CT 0.37678 -0.0527829
An optional argument --causal-variants
allows to specify a file that explicitly lists causal variants and,
optionally, their effect sizes. The file must be whitespace-delimited table without header, containing one row per causal variant.
First column must contain marker name (to be matched with SNP column from .bim
The remaining columns may contain effect sizes. For two-trait simulations there must be two effect size columns, e.i. effect size in each trait. Depending on --norm-effect
flag, input effect sizes will be treated either as in
units of additively coded 0,1,2 genotypes (default behavior), or
in units of normalized genotypes, e.i. 0,1,2 genotypes divided by sqrt(2*p(1-p))
, where p is allele frequency.
An example of file for --causal-variants
rs72651487 -0.0335917
rs28631635 0.0603244
rs67388349 -0.0527829
The format for an optional argument --causal-regions
is the same as --causal-variants
, except it must have only the list of marker names, but not their effect sizes.
SIMU v0.9.0 - library for simulation of GWAS summary statistics:
-h [ --help ] produce this help message
--bfile arg prefix for plink .bed/.bim/.fam file
--bfile-chr arg same as --bfile, but will automatically concatenate
.bed/.bim/.fam files split across 22 chromosomes.
If the filename prefix contains the symbol @, SIMU
will replace the @ symbol with chromosome numbers.
Otherwise, SIMU will append chromosome numbers to
the end of the filename prefix.
--qt simulate quantitative trait
--cc simulate case/control trait
--num-traits arg (=1) number of traits (either 1 or 2 traits are
--k arg prevalence for case/control traits, by default 0.1;
one value per trait
--ncas arg number of cases, by default N*k, where N is sample
size; one value per trait
--ncon arg number of controls, by default N*(1-k), where N is
sample size; one value per trait
--hsq arg heritability, by default 0.7; one value per trait
--num-components arg (=1) number of components in the mixture
--causal-pi arg proportion of causal variants; by default 0.001;
one value per mixture component
--causal-n arg number of causal variants (alternative to
--causal-pi option); one value per mixture
--causal-variants arg file with a list of causal variants and,
optionally, their effect sizes; one file per
mixture component. This is an alternative option to
--causal-pi and --causal-n. See file for
detailed description of file formats.
--causal-regions arg file with a list of non-overlapping regions to
distribute causal variants. Regions must be defined
as a list of variant names (e.g. RS numbers, one
value per line). Supplements --causal-pi or
--causal-n options; can not be used together with
--causal-variants option. One file per mixture
--trait1-sigsq arg variance of effect sizes for trait1 per causal
marker; by default 1.0; one value per mixture
--trait2-sigsq arg variance of effect sizes for trait2 per causal
marker; by default 1.0; one value per mixture
--trait1-s-pow arg draw effect sizes on the first trait with variance
proportional to (2*p(1-p))^S, where parameter S is
defined by trait1-s-pow, and p is allele frequency;
by default 0.0; one value per mixture component
--trait2-s-pow arg draw effect sizes on the second trait with variance
proportional to (2*p(1-p))^S, where parameter S is
defined by trait2-s-pow, where p is allele
frequency; by default 0.0; one value per mixture
--gcta-sigma draw effect sizes with variance inversely
proportional to 2*p(1-p), where p is allele
frequency; this corresponds to --trait1-s-pow and
--trait2-s-pow set to -1.0
--norm-effect report effect sizes w.r.t. normalized genotypes
(e.i. additively coded 0,1,2 genotypes devided by
sqrt(2*p(1-p)), where p is allele frequency).
Default behavior without --norm-effect is to report
effect size w.r.t. additively coded 0,1,2
--rg arg coefficient of genetic correlation; by default 0.0;
one value per mixture component
--seed arg seed for random numbers generator (default is
time-dependent seed)
--trait2-snp-offset arg shifts causal variant in trait2 by a given
number of positions (for example,
'--trait2-snp-offset 1' indicates that causal
SNPs will correspond to adjacent rows in the
input bim file)
--out arg (=simu) prefix of the output files; will generate .pheno
file containing synthesized phenotypes; and
.*.causals files (one file per trait) containing
lists of causal variants and their effect sizes for
each component in the mixture. See file
for detailed description of file formats.
* Simulate a quantitative trait with 1% causal markers, with the heritability of 0.5:
simu --bfile test --qt --causal-pi 0.01 --hsq 0.5
* Simulate a quantitative trait as above, using simulation model from GCTA GWAS Simulation:
simu --bfile test --qt --causal-pi 0.01 --hsq 0.5 --gcta-sigma --norm-effect
* Simulate two quantitative traits with genetic correlation of 0.8 and the heritabilities of 0.2 and 0.6:
simu --bfile test --qt --causal-pi 0.01 --num-traits 2 --hsq 0.2 0.6 --rg 0.8
* Simulate 500 cases and 500 controls with the heritability of liability of 0.5 and disease prevalence of 0.1:
simu --bfile test --cc --k 0.1 --ncas 500 --ncon 500 --causal-pi 0.01 --hsq 0.5
* Simulate two quantitative traits with three genetic components:
(1) causal variants specific to the first trait,
(2) causal variants specific to the second trait,
(3) shared causal variants with correlation of 0.8:
simu --bfile test --qt --num-traits 2 --hsq 0.2 0.6 --num-components 3 \
--causal-pi 0.01 0.01 0.01 --trait1-sigsq 1 0 1 --trait2-sigsq 0 1 1 --rg 0 0 0.8
* Simulate a quantitative trait with specific location of causal markers:
simu --bfile test --qt --causal-variants causal.snplist --hsq 0.5
* Simulate a quantitative trait where n=10 causal markers are randomly distributed among specific region:
simu --bfile test --qt --causal-n 10 --causal-regions snplist --hsq 0.5
Check out Releases page for pre-compiled binaries.
- Step 1. Install prerequisites. On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential libboost-all-dev cmake
. - Step 2. Clone this repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules
. Note that this repository includes submodules. If you use older version of git you may want to review this. - Step 3. Install to default location:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install
This will create place simu
executable to /usr/local/bin
- Step 3'. Install to a custom location:
mkdir build && cd build
make && make install
This will create place simu
executable to your $HOME/bin
- Step 4. Enjoy,
is ready. Typesimu --help
to list available options.
We provide a Dockerfile reciple for building an image with simu
, for use on any platform that supports Docker.
To build the image, run:
docker build -t simu -f Dockerfile .
To run the image, use:
docker run -it simu --help
Depending on the host machine type, it may be good to add the --platform linux/amd64
or --platform linux/arm64
flag to the docker build
and docker run
For mounting volumes and directories on the host machine for use with simu
, see the Docker documentation.