PL/v8 is a shared library that provides a PostgreSQL procedural language powered by V8 JavaScript Engine. With this program you can write in JavaScript your function that is callable from SQL.
This is the Untrusted version, which is a work in progress. You should likely be using PL/v8.
The documentation covers the following implemented features:
- Requirements
- Installing PL/v8
- Install the PL/v8 Extensions on a Database
- Scalar function calls
- Set returing function calls
- Trigger function calls
- Inline statement calls
- Auto mapping between JS and database built-in types
- Database access via SPI including prepared statements and cursors
- Subtransaction
- Utility functions
- Window function API
- Typed array
- ES6 Language Features
- Remote debugger
- Runtime environment separation across users in the same session
- Start-up procedure
- Update procedure
- Dialects
PL/v8U is hosted on github at:
PL/v8U is distributed by PGXN. For more detail, see: