Get started with PayPal REST APIs
It is possible that some endpoints are missing in this client, but you can use built-in paypal
functions to perform a request: NewClient -> NewRequest -> SendWithAuth
import ""
// Create a client instance
c, err := paypal.NewClient("clientID", "secretID", paypal.APIBaseSandBox)
c.SetLog(os.Stdout) // Set log to terminal stdout
auth, err := c.GetAuthorization("2DC87612EK520411B")
capture, err := c.CaptureAuthorization(authID, &paypal.Amount{Total: "7.00", Currency: "USD"}, true)
auth, err := c.VoidAuthorization(authID)
auth, err := c.ReauthorizeAuthorization(authID, &paypal.Amount{Total: "7.00", Currency: "USD"})
refund, err := c.GetRefund("O-4J082351X3132253H")
order, err := c.GetOrder("O-4J082351X3132253H")
ctx := context.Background()
units := []paypal.PurchaseUnitRequest{}
source := &paypal.PaymentSource{}
appCtx := &paypal.ApplicationContext{}
order, err := c.CreateOrder(ctx, paypal.OrderIntentCapture, units, ource, appCtx)
order, err := c.UpdateOrder("O-4J082351X3132253H", []paypal.PurchaseUnitRequest{})
auth, err := c.AuthorizeOrder(orderID, paypal.AuthorizeOrderRequest{})
capture, err := c.CaptureOrder(orderID, paypal.CaptureOrderRequest{})
token, err := c.GrantNewAccessTokenFromAuthCode("<Authorization-Code>", "")
// ... or by refresh token
token, err := c.GrantNewAccessTokenFromRefreshToken("<Refresh-Token>")
userInfo, err := c.GetUserInfo("openid")
payout := paypal.Payout{
SenderBatchHeader: &paypal.SenderBatchHeader{
EmailSubject: "Subject will be displayed on PayPal",
Items: []paypal.PayoutItem{
RecipientType: "EMAIL",
Receiver: "[email protected]",
Amount: &paypal.AmountPayout{
Value: "15.11",
Currency: "USD",
Note: "Optional note",
SenderItemID: "Optional Item ID",
payoutResp, err := c.CreatePayout(payout)
payout, err := c.GetPayout("PayoutBatchID")
payoutItem, err := c.GetPayoutItem("PayoutItemID")
payoutItem, err := c.CancelPayoutItem("PayoutItemID")
webprofile := WebProfile{
Name: "YeowZa! T-Shirt Shop",
Presentation: Presentation{
BrandName: "YeowZa! Paypal",
LogoImage: "",
LocaleCode: "US",
InputFields: InputFields{
AllowNote: true,
NoShipping: NoShippingDisplay,
AddressOverride: AddrOverrideFromCall,
FlowConfig: FlowConfig{
LandingPageType: LandingPageTypeBilling,
BankTXNPendingURL: "",
result, err := c.CreateWebProfile(webprofile)
webprofile, err := c.GetWebProfile("XP-CP6S-W9DY-96H8-MVN2")
webprofiles, err := c.GetWebProfiles()
webprofile := WebProfile{
ID: "XP-CP6S-W9DY-96H8-MVN2",
Name: "Shop YeowZa! YeowZa! ",
err := c.SetWebProfile(webprofile)
err := c.DeleteWebProfile("XP-CP6S-W9DY-96H8-MVN2")
// Store CC
Number: "4417119669820331",
Type: "visa",
ExpireMonth: "11",
ExpireYear: "2020",
CVV2: "874",
FirstName: "Foo",
LastName: "Bar",
// Delete it
// Edit it
c.PatchCreditCard("CARD-ID-123", []paypal.CreditCardField{
Operation: "replace",
Path: "/billing_address/line1",
Value: "New value",
// Get it
// Get all stored credit cards
// Create a webhook
URL: "webhook URL",
EventTypes: []paypal.WebhookEventType{
// Update a registered webhook
c.UpdateWebhook("WebhookID", []paypal.WebhookField{
Operation: "replace",
Path: "/event_types",
Value: []interface{}{
// Get a registered webhook
// Delete a webhook
// List registered webhooks
// GenerateInvoiceNumber: generates the next invoice number that is available to the merchant.
c.GenerateInvoiceNumber(ctx) // might return something like "0001" or "0010".
// the second argument is an ID, it should be valid
invoice, err := c.GetInvoiceDetails(ctx, "INV2-XFXV-YW42-ZANU-4F33")
for now, we are yet to implement the ShowAllInvoices endpoint, so use the following cURL request for the same(this gives you the list of invoice-IDs for this customer)
curl -v -X GET \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token>"
refer to the beginning of this Usage section for obtaining a Token.
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